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Naveah's pov

I sat at Daniels desk in his room. I was sitting on my computer doing some schoolwork that I needed to get done.

Daniel was sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand.

I was getting kids stressed so I leaned back and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked and I turned in the chair to face him.

"Just stressed." I said

He sat up and smirked at me. I raised one of my eyebrows as he came closer to me. "Baby stop!" I whined as he pulled my chair closer to him.

"I've gotta get this done." I said giggling as he blew cold air onto my stomach. I was just sitting in my sports bra and a pair of shorts.

"I can get rid of your stress." Daniel said placing his hand onto my shorts making me gasp.

He then hooked his fingers into the waistband of my shorts and slowly started pulling them down.

I bit my lip as I just let him do what he wanted.

He kissed my stomach before making a small hickey on the spot. He made a couple more hickeys before making a trail with his tongue from my belly button to the hem of my underwear.

He quickly pulled my underwear off before attaching his lips to my clit.

"Oh dani!" I moaned gripping onto the head rest of the chair and the arm rest.

-time skip-

Daniel collapsed next to me as we both tried to catch our breaths.

"I love you!" Daniel said out of breath

"I love you too!" I said and kissed his chest.

I got up and threw on a pair of underwear, Daniels joggers, and my t shirt.

I sat back down and started doing my school work.

-ten minutes later-

Daniels door opened and Jack walked in.

"I'm so confused!" I said leaning back. "I've been stuck on this problem for ten minutes. And every time I try to see if it's right it's wrong."

"What're you working on?"

"I should know this! But I can't seem to figure it out." I said

He leaned over my shoulder and looked at the problem I'm on.

"Oh. See A squared plus b squared is supposed to equal c squared. If it doesn't then it's not a right triangle. So your triangle has the the hypotenuse and one leg. So your equation would be a squared plus 23 squared should equal 42 squared. So if it doesn't you don't have a right triangle." He said

"Ohh I get it. Thank you!" I said and kissed his cheek sisterly.

"Anytime sis!" He said and I finished my schoolwork for the rest of the day.

Once I was done Daniel was asleep laying on his back with the blankets not even on him.

I I walked over and layed down next to him. It is pretty hot in his room so I can see why he didn't have any blankets on him.

I placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes. Slowly sleep took over me.

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