Real life again

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Naveah's pov

I sat on my couch with Nash and Hayes by my side and my little sister in my lap.

The door opened and Lillian ran in.

"What's wrong!? Tell me I don't have to worry about you dying!!" She said in the doorway

"I'm not dying! I just love you and I want to spend my time with you and everybody because now that everyone has their own apartment and Jack has a kid and they're all on tour all the time I miss everyone." I said

She smiled and walked over before taking skylynn from off my lap and kissing her cheek.

"I missed you!" She said ignoring everything I said making me laugh

"Also you're dramatic!" She said to me making me laugh harder.

"Oh you love me!" I said

"I guess that's true!" She said sitting on my love sac with skylynn cuddled into her body.

I smiled and rested my head on Nash's lap and my legs on Hayes.

"You are an annoying twin sister!" Hayes said and tickled my sides making me kick my legs and almost kick him in the face.

The boys are going on tour again and Hayes and Nash will be going to visit mom and dad in North Carolina but skylynn will be staying with me because she misses me.

Soon enough the boys walked in and I had already moved to my other love sac.

Daniel ran over and layed on top of me.

"What's wrong baby? And why are you saying that one day you might be gone and I'll have to move on? A-are....?" He said not knowing what to say next as tears welled his eyes.

"No baby! I just wanted everyone to come be together before you guys go on tour again. I miss you guys. We never see each other anymore." I said

"Veah! When you need us, you just call us! We'll be there!" Zach sang making me smiled and giggle

"When you look over you shoulder we'll be there!" Jack sang

"You don't ever have to worry cause I depend on you!" I sang making everyone look at me and their jaws dropped except for Lillian, Nash, and Hayes.

"Holy shit she sings!!" Corbyn yelled dropping to his knees with his hands up in astonishment.

"I posted a pic of me at my own mic check when I had a gig in a café. And a lot of people came and saw me." I said smiling.

"Sing something for us right now!!" Corbyn said

"Ok jeez!" I said and thought of a song to sing.

"It's a song that I wrote myself." I said

I got up and ran to the kitchen to get my songbook from the pantry. I keep it in there because who would check the pantry.

I ran back to the living room and jumped onto the love sac.

I opened the song book and flipped through a couple pages before finding a song. I took a deep breath before starting to sing.

I poured my heart into the song, closing my eyes and feeling the words slide off my tongue.

Once I finished everyone clapped and I opened my eyes. I couldn't breathe I was so in to the song.

"Jesus Christ my baby is a musical genius!!" Daniel said and squished my cheeks and kissed my lips.

"What was the meaning behind that song?" Jack asked

"Well, when I took a break from everyone and I was going through my rough patch with depression, these thoughts came into my head and I started writing them down. And I was just really sad all the time so I just started writing." I said smiling

"Well it's beautiful Veah!" Jonah said

"Thank you." I said

"Hey sissy?" Skylynn asked

"Yea bubs?" I asked

"I'm hungry." She said

"I am too. Let me go get dressed and maybe all of us can go get something to eat?" I asked and everyone nodded.

I got up and walked to my room. I quickly changed into this outfit.

I quickly brushed my teeth and put on some fake lashes and mascara and grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone before putting my wallet and keys in my bag

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I quickly brushed my teeth and put on some fake lashes and mascara and grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone before putting my wallet and keys in my bag. I put my phone into my back pocket and walked out to the living room.

Everyone was waiting and Nash and Hayes were about to go home.

"Bye bubbys! Love you both!" I said and hugged them both.

They both kissed my cheek before saying goodbye and walking out of my apartment.

I held skylynns hand as we all got up and walked out.

We got in my car and drove to Pizza Hut.

We sat in a booth and ordered two large pizzas.

We all got our drinks and talked, just being a big family.

-time skip-

I carried a sleeping skylynn into the apartment and walked into her room. Yea she has a room at my house, it used to be Lillian's but she moved in with Jonah. And Daniel pretty much lives here so yea.

I quickly took off her shoes and her jeans and tucked her into her bed.

I kissed her cheek before turning off the light and closing the door after me.

I walked out and hugged everyone goodbye.

Daniel and I then walked into my room and I changed into a pair of grey sweat pants and changed into a sports bra.

I then brushed my hair and pulled it into a messy bun before walking into the bathroom where Daniel was brushing his teeth.

I quickly used the bathroom before washing my hands and brushing my teeth.

I then washed my face and walked out of the bathroom.

I layed down and plugged my phone in on my nightstand.

I got under the covers and waited for Daniel. He walked out of the bathroom after flushing the toilet and turning off the lights. He then turned my lights off and layed down next to me.

I turned and cuddled into his chest while he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes letting darkness flow over me as I fell asleep.

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