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Seaveydaniel- look who picked us up from the airport 📸- lillian_stone_

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Seaveydaniel- look who picked us up from the airport
📸- lillian_stone_

User227- Awwh!! #daveah

User82- they're so cute together

Corbynbesson- yea we kinda love her❤️❤️

Jackaverymusic- Naveah text me I have big news!

Naveah_marie- love you baby!❤️ ok jack!

Naveah Jack iMessage

Veah🥰❤️- you called?

Jacky poo🍜🥰🥰- I wanna show you something but I need you to come to my apartment right now!!

Veah🥰❤️- bet! I'll be there in 5

Real life

Naveah's pov

I walked to Jacks apartment and walked in. His girlfriend Gabbie was sitting on the couch.

"Hey N!" She said and stood up

She walked over and hugged me.

"Hey girl! Jack told me he had big news!" I said once we pulled away

"He's in our room. Jack!" She said before yelling for him

He poked his head out the bedroom door and smiled.

"Naveah. I have someone for you to meet. We never told you cause we wanted to keep it a surprise." He said

"Ok!" I said

He stepped out of the room with a baby in his arms.

My jaw dropped and I smiled.

"Is it yours!?" I asked running over and taking the baby from him

"Yea. Her name is Lavender May Avery." He said

I smiled and held her in my arms.

"Oh my god guys! She's absolutely beautiful!" I said

"Well...Naveah. We were wondering if.....you'd wanna be her god mother. Caspary is her god father. We're not gonna post anything about you being the god mother because we know that the limelight's are not very fond of you and we don't want you getting hated on. But yea!"

"Oh Jack! Of course! I'd love to be her god mother!" I said and hugged Jack

"Oh my goodness Gabs! I can finally actually call you momma gabs for a reason now!" I said smiling

"Yes you can! And thank you so much for being her god mother!" She said

"Of course guys!" I said smiling. "Ok, well I better go. I left while Daniel was in the shower so he might be wondering where I am. I'll see you guys later. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be this little ones god mother. I love you guys!" I said and handed lavender back to Jack.

I kissed Jack's cheek sisterly before hugging Gabbie and kissing her cheek as well.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow after I'm done working." I said before leaving

I walked back to Daniels apartment and went inside.

I locked the door after me and found Lillian on the couch.

"What happened?" I asked once I realized she was crying. I ran over to her before grabbing her hands

"I literally don't even fucking know!" She said ending with a laugh. "Fucking bloody marry decided to show up in Jonah's bed and he got annoyed cause he had to wash his sheets and I asked him if he wanted me to leave him alone and he said please. So here I am!" She said crying and ended with a smile.

"You are actually fucking crazy!" I laughed

"I know!" She said laughing with tears falling down her face

"Stop!" I said laughing

She nodded and wiped her tears.

"Daniels in his room. He didn't know what to do with me so he just went in there." She laughed

"C'mon! Let's go talk to Jonah. See if he's cooled down a little bit yet." I said

"Daniel! Baby c'mon!!" I yelled.

He walked out in a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

"Where we going?" He asked walking over to me

"To talk to Jonah." I said

He nodded before giving me a kiss on the lips.

I helped Lillian up and held her hand as we walked to Jonah's apartment.

We walked in to be greeted by sawyer, Jonah's dog.

"Hey puppers!" I said scratching the side of his head

"Jonah?" I asked walking into his room

He was sitting on his bed watching tv.

"Are you ok?" I asked sitting in front of him on his bed

"I freaked out at lills for no reason. And it's over something that she can't control." He said before shoving his head into his hands.

"She's here if you wanna talk to her?" I said placing a hand on his shin.

He lifted his head up and nodded

"Lillian!" I said and she walked in

Lillian's pov

I walked into Jonah's room and Naveah got off the bed.

She hugged me before leaving

"I'm sorry!" Jonah said

I didn't say anything I just shushed him slightly while crawling into his bed and holding him in my arms.

"It's ok!" I said as he sobbed into my shirt

Naveah's pov

I gave them about ten minutes before I walked back into his room.

Lillian was holding Jonah and they were both sleeping.

I smiled and closed the door.

"Ok big boy. Can we go back to your apartment and fuck now?" I asked pulling him out of Jonah's apartment

"Yes we can!" Daniel asked before coming up behind me and squeezing my ass before whispering 'mine' in my ear in the process.

We went back to his apartment and you probably know what happens next.

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