Chapter 7

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Keith's POV
The maids were tightening my suit. I was wondering what I was going to do.
I flinched a bit.
"Hold still prince Kieth!"
"Yes, sorry."
Once I was put in. I put on my dress and did my hair. I walked downstairs to see lance eating.
I felt embarrassed considering the dream I had. I walked into the dinning room. It was just him sitting in the first chair to the right.
"Good morning, Prince Lance."
"Princess, I'd prefer it if you just called me lance. Considering how close we're about to become."
I nodded. I took a seat across from him.
"Well than. Lance. What do you have planned for me today."
I said this with a smirk.

Lances POV
Once Kathy came down in her dress my world lighted up. She looked gorgeous. As usual. Today she had some confidence with her. That I admired.
"Well, I've planned horseback riding, a tour of the village and a swim."
I saw the way she flinched when I mentioned swim.
"Anything wrong with the plans?"
She took a breath.
"Yes one. The swimming. I'd prefer not to. But the other plans sound magnificent."
I looked at her. The confidence was gone. It was back to her stoned face.
"Well then have you eaten yet?"
"No. I have not. But I'm not hungry at the moment."
I looked at her. I couldn't tell wether she wasn't hungry, sad, or scared.
"Well then I'll head up to change I'd advise you change into some pants."
Once I got up. She asked
"Well I'm sorry your highness. But I don't wear pants."
I looked at her.
"That's fine come with me you can borrow some of my clothes."
She seemed surprised. I walked up to her and took her hands.
"To a fun day!"

Keith's POV
Pants. I've never worn pants. Sad but true. I couldn't believe it I was gonna wear pants with him. Once we reached the room he opened the closet door. I panicked wonder if I had left a 'mess' there. But I know surprisingly I'm a organized masturbater . If that even is a thing. I awoke from my quick zoned out moment.
"Here these should fit, oh here take a short to."
Before I took the clothes I looked at him his. His dark blue eyes. Looked so honest and calming. I took the clothes.
"Well if you excuse me."
I waited for a quick moment.
"Uh..huh!? Um yes I'll let you change."
Lance walked out the room. Closing the door behind him. I ran to the bed and screamed into the pillow. I sat up and began to calm down. But then I thought about his well built body. I got up and put on his clothes. I glanced at myself in the mirror. I looked tall. Still I could see my curves. But my chest. I looked around the room. I saw my luggage. I opened it and found my padding. I put them in, looked in the mirror and tied my hair in a ponytail.
I glanced back at the closet. And speed walked out the room with embarrassment.

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