Chapter Eighteen

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"Nothing Lasts Forever

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"Nothing Lasts Forever."

Chapter Eighteen


"Let me go!" A young girl screamed as two men dragged her into the main room of the building.

An older blonde woman who still held the looks of her youth stood there waiting for her, arms crossed and eyes colder than those of the dead. A group of young girls stood around the room watching as the men dragged the young brunette into the center and dropped her on the floor before walking away. Chains were wrapped around her wrists preventing her from doing anything and she glanced frantically around in fear at where she was.

"Finally," the woman said to herself.

The young girl had been crying on her way there begging to go home. Yet now she felt an overwhelming feeling of strength, refusing to cry in front of this woman. She stood up trying her best to send a threatening glare, but she was only seven. The woman smirked slightly at the girl's defiance knowing it would be her downfall in this place in the end.

"Peggy Carter's granddaughter." The young girl shrunk back under the woman's gaze no longer wanting to be intimidating. She just wanted to go home. Her family was with her only a day ago and now she stood in a cold place that looked to be similar to a ballet studio.

"Why am I here?" she asked in a small voice.

"You are here to become the next Black Widow." The blonde circled her looking at how skinny the girl was. She would make a perfect candidate for the program.

"Who are you?"

"My name is not important. For now, you will call me Madame B. What is yours?" The kindness would wear off and in its place a hatred would grow.

"Margaret," the young girl said. Madame B smiled. Of course, they named her after the original Peggy Carter.

"Well Margaret. Here is where you will learn to train. You will gain skills that will help you in the future to serve us as a spy." Madame B saw the fear in the girl's eyes and fed off of it. She didn't care how this brat felt. She wanted justice for all that her grandmother had ruined.

"I want to go home," Margaret said.

"This is your home now. Take her to the chambers," Madame B called out.

The two men from before came back and picked up the chains she was attached too. Margaret looked around and saw that the other girls in the room were the same age as her. They stood against the wall of mirrors, blank expressions on their faces. Instead of helping they watched as she was dragged out, forced to live a life destined for pain. They knew what she would endure, because they would go through it as well.

The chambers looked to be a room filled with beds. She was dragged over to one corner of the room and forced to sit on one of the hard-cold beds. They took off the chains from her wrists moving to grab something else. She didn't struggle as they handcuffed her to the bedpost. She knew that she couldn't escape. The handcuffs scratched against her wrist as she pulled, bruising the skin and turning it raw.

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