Chapter 1

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"Dad are you in here?"

No reply comes.


Once again, no reply comes.

My fingers press lightly against the door that was slightly left ajar. I enter the room but am instantly surrounded by never-ending darkness. Fingers running across the walls in search of a light switch. 

I've always been afraid of the dark. I know its dumb, but it isn't the dark that scares me, but what could be lurking inside it.

As soon as I feel the hard plastic switch, I exhale in relief. Even though at this point, I had flicked the switch already numerous times, still no light enters the room but instead, a loud, rumbling noise.

And the suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a purple light starts to flash. Like a moth, I walk towards it, attracted by its heavenly glow.

Soon enough, I was close enough to touch it and being the curious teenager I am, I touched it.

Pain strikes through my body. Falling to my knees, my head begins to spin and once again I am left in the darkness.

Light. It felt I hadn't seen it in years. As I come to consciousness, everything becomes more and more clear by the second and start to make out the shape of weird contraptions out of the blurriness that was before me.

"Hello Alex."

"How do you know my name?"

"Your name is Alex Ruth Jane Anderson. Your favourite colour is blue. You kissed Mikey Ryans in Grade four and never told anyone about it and your best friend is Evie."

"I never told anyone about the Mikey thing. How-how do you know that?"

"You love to write poetry and you write in a diary every night and hide it under your mattress so your parents won't find it."

"Who are you!??! How do you know all this!?!"

A figure emerges from the shadows. "You see I am you. In fact a better version, more advanced than ever."

Blinking, blinking, trying to wake up from this horrible nightmare. 

The figure moves closer and closer until she is but inches away from me. Eyes staring into eyes, I try not to show any signs that I am scared, but believe me I am.

"Life is gonna be very different from now on and you must do what I say." 

Though pain continues to pulse through my body, I struggle to my feet. No one tells me what to do, not even a clone of myself.

There, the door, I make a run for it to fall to the ground again. I feel a hand on my back, I look up. 


"Are you okay?"

"I guess." I look back and she's gone again.

"Did you see.."

"See what?"

"Oh nothing."

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