Chapter 2

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The sun shines brightly into my room. Everything seems relatively normal. Everything is in the same place. I roll over quickly, falling to the ground. But no need to worry, I get back up, lift up my mattress and there, my diary. I hold it up to my chest, embracing it as if it was a person, but in ways it is. It is a fragment of my life and my feelings.

"Thank goodness." I guess you can already tell that I have a relatively good life because of the fact that the one thing that scares me the most is the thought of someone going through my diary. Like, there is nothing bad in it, it's just got personal things in it that I don't want anyone to know.

Rising slowly from the ground, I slide my feet into my pink slippers, wrap my robe around me and head towards the door.

I think back to the night before, that figure that emerged from the darkness. Maybe I was hallucinating? I don't really believe in ghosts but maybe it was one. But I doubt a ghost would look just like me. Or like maybe how everyone has a doppelganger maybe she is mine. But why was she in my house and also why did she say she is a more "advanced" version of me. I'm so confused. But all I know is that I am hella hungry and cereal and a cup of orange juice sound amazing right now.

Hands reach out for the doorknob and I turn it slowly and push expecting the door to swing out. But instead, it doesn't even budge.

Maybe I didn't push hard enough. This door is old, it's probably jammed.

I decide to get a bit of a run-up. Now at the other end of my room, I advance forward and run straight at the door, shoulder first, and yet again it doesn't budge. But instead my shoulder turns bright red and pain begins to pulse through my arm.

That was a bit dramatic if I do say so myself.

"DAD!!! My door is jammed again."

Yet no reply comes.

Is it me or is my dad completely ignoring me recently? I mean I know he hates it when I call out at him but seriously?


And once again, he does not answer.

Maybe he has already left?

I peer down at my watch, "7.15 am." A car horn blasting interrupts my anxious thoughts.

Running over to my window that looks over my driveway, I look down to see my dad sitting in his car. The old Suzuki swift that he said he would give me when I was 16.

But he doesn't leave till 7.30 am.

A person emerges from our house and walks over to the car. I can faintly hear her say "hey dad." Her blonde hair whips in the rough wellington wind as she pulls the door handle and slowly sits down, closing it behind her.

My fists beat against the window. I call out his name yet he can't hear me. Tears roll down my cheeks. But no matter how much I tried they could not hear me.

A sly smile takes place for a split second on her face as she looks up at me from the car as they pull out. Her words ring throughout my head, my head begins to spin. A velvety black frames my vision. Left in darkness once again, I fall back onto my bed, unconscious.

"Life is gonna be very different from now on."

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