Chapter 3

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Though my eyelids do open, it makes no difference, I am still left in darkness. Yet I can sense a figure nearing me. What happened yesterday shocked me, yet I knew that that would not be the last I saw that creature who was straight out of hell. I can hear her footsteps and a faint whisper. I could make out the haunting and all-too-familiar words; "life is gonna be very different from now on."

I wasn't scared of that darkness, that emptiness. I was scared of what lied in that darkness. Her.

The darkness soon gave way and the sunburst into my room as I part the curtains. Its such a wonderful, beautiful day. The freshly painted houses glisten in the sun. Through the windows of those homes with their picket fences, you could see a glimpse into their lives.

Families sharing breakfast at the dining room table, drinking orange juice and eating cereal. All whilst smiling. I wish my life was like that.

Sometimes I think about my real family. I mean I love my dad and all but sometimes my mind wonders about my birth family. Why did they give me up? Do they think about me? Cause I think about them every day. Do they love me? Do they...miss me?

"Ring!" the alarm sounds off.


I chuck on (not literally) my uniform and sprint out the door, grabbing a juice box and apple on my way. 

AARGH! School. You know, I used to love school. But it's sp frustrating. The teacher's ignoring you whenever you ask for much-needed help and then expect you to ace your exams. Like what's up with that?

The soles of my shoes rub against my feet, causing blisters to form because I of course (being stupid and forgetful) forgot socks. I continue to run until I leap up, thanking the driver and sinking into a seat near the front. 

I don't know if it was me but I felt the eyes of my peers staring angrily at me and I felt the atmosphere change. Only then did I realise what had happened.

A few days ago my phone had gone missing...

"Alex! I can't believe you would say that about me!" I don't know what Olivia was talking about. She had been my best friend since we were like five. We were always there for each other, we were inseparable.

"We're not friends anymore. You can have this back!" As the friendship bracelet landed in my lap, my heart stopped. The person who I thought would always be by my side, has left me.

As the friendship bracelet that she had been wearing since we made them when we were five, landed in my lap, I then truly knew I was no longer the one in control of my destiny. I was no longer at the drivers seat but being forced to sit in the passenger seat and watch as my whole life fell apart.

The big red school doors open and I make my way down those melancholy corridors to locker #34.

"1,4,8,3" then a click.

To reveal a poster stapled inside reading:

"This is what you get, you backstabbing..." I honesly cant even begin to fathom what the rest said. I couldnt bear to stay in this heaven turned hell, I called "school." 

Slamming my locker closed, grabbing my bad and running all the way home, escaping the horror movie which was now my life.

My feet step one afer the other as I walk down the pathway, alone. But not after even a few minutes, this atmosphere of isolation and loneliness is disturbed. I try to escape her grip but I fail to do so.

This is it. The end of my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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