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I continued through the halls all morning, ending at room 425, so I'd only need to do four or five after lunch.

Fortunately, I heard from a nurse that the patient in room 430, had survived, but that I was not, however, permitted to visit until at least tomorrow.

I sat alone in the cafeteria, nibbling on an apple and sipping a Cherry Coke, rereading my favorite novel for the umpteenth time.

To Give was an incredible, life-changing story.

Chapter Six

Jasmine opened the door with her foot as she carried in the tray of food to Zachary. Setting the meal in his lap, she pressed her lips to his for just a short moment before pulling away.

"Thanks, babe," Zach grinned, picking up his fork to start lunch. "Anything for my sweetie.. So I gotta go now, I have some other patients to deliver food to, but I'll be back in a few hours," Jasmine looked at him, affectionately ruffling his black hair, remembering their awkward meeting in high school.

Zachary was a lucky boy. Not only had he survived cancer in three different parts of his body, he only got to see the love of his life everyday. But he was also very unlucky. Cancer was an expensive disease and to survive it three times without chemo, you needed lots of money, which was not something Zach's family had. But they made do and Zach's school was consistently throwing fund raisers and helping them out.

Jasmine was a very lucky girl. She was pretty nice for the most part, her family was extremely wealthy, she had her perfect boyfriend, a volunteer job, and nearly everything was great. Except Zach. Despite what he told her, the cancer was spreading and fast. Everyday, she saw him grow weaker. Three weeks ago, he was running around the hospital like it was a race. Two weeks ago, he stopped walking and had to be pushed in a wheel chair.

She knew that money was the only issue and all she felt was guilt because her family was swimming in it. Of course she'd begged to pay for more medications and research, but she respected his wishes to trust in him, when he said that he was fine. What a liar.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, as I looked up to see a tall brunette woman. "Hi.. Are you Khloe?" "That would be me!" I smiled. "I'm Mandy. I am the patient activities director here, I'll be your "boss" while you're volunteering. It's so nice to finally meet you!" She sat down next to me, shaking my hand. "It's nice to meet you too!" I put a bookmark back in To Give, and set the tattered copy back in my bag.

"So if you didn't mind, I'd like to discuss a particular patient.. Just to help you adjust. A few months ago, a boy came into our hospital screaming like a maniac, the doctors and nurses thought he was crazy or something, so they drugged him so that he could be tested. He turned out to not be crazy, but they did find traces of Xphelion-V in him, which is a prescription medicine for heart disease.

He had overdosed, but they didn't think it was a failed suicide attempt, just that he was in excessive pain. All they've discovered for him is an irregular heart beat, so his heart is being monitored and kept steady on machine, but this morning, he unplugged it and died for about a minute until they brought him back.

His heart disease is intense. His heart gives out randomly, he can't eat anything with more than minimum salt, all-over low diet.

I just feel so bad, Khloe. That boy deserves so much better than he's getting. And so many people are here supporting him: his brothers, his parents, his three best friends. They're all here, all the time, trying to make him see things the way he used to see them before his heart started screwing up. And he's just giving up on everything," Mandy mumbled sadly.

"I want you to help him. He hasn't another girl besides him mother or his nurse in months, so I think he'll be at least a little bit excited... As I think you already know his heart gave out this morning, but they revived him, thank God."

"I just hope that he can accept me like the other patients have. They all think when I first get there, that I believe them to be some kind of charity case or something but then it's like we've known each other for years. It's great," I spoke truthfully.

"Well, sweetie, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I know they are too.. But don't go to see him today, wait until at least tomorrow to visit.

Mandy soon said her goodbyes and gave me her phone number in case I needed anything, leaving me to finish eating my snack. I soon went back upstairs to meet more patients and ponder faintly about the "broken"-hearted boy in room 430...


Yay! Chapter 2 is up:) please vote and comment! I hope everyone is enjoying the story.. I know you didn't get to read a whole lot from To Give, but soon you'll know why that's the title and where it connects better with the story..

Thank you so much! I love you guys

T xx

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