Chapter twenty-seven_(27)

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••I'm close now,
So close...
I can smell the sweet-finess of freedom,
If you just let me go••


    "Did you eat cheese this morning? Cause its so obvious through your words," I said into the phone and erupted into laughter right after.

That was dumb AF!

"I'm glad you know how stupid that sounded cause you're laughing at yourself," Wilson was laughing on the other end too, his soft laughter filtering through the speakers and straight into my ears like a Billie Eillish song--so beautiful.

"I gotta go now, preparations and all. I'll call you later, yeah?" I could still hear the smile in his voice and I couldn't stop smiling myself, a little disappointment washing over me as our conversation came to an end.

"Okay, bye." I still couldn't stop smiling and I waited for him to hit the end button before I put my phone down.

What is wrong with you!!!! Snap out of it!

I shook my head, wiping the silly smile off my face as I laid back on the bed and tried to go back to sleep, a small smile still playing on my lips. Just as my eyes closed and I was about to fall asleep, an incoming call jolted me awake again and I scrambled for my phone, my eyes widening at the caller ID.

"Hello ma," I cleared my throat and spoke as I pressed the phone against my ear, still surprised at why my mom was calling.

"Hello Mayowa, how are you?" She sounded weird--cautious--and I frowned, sitting up alarmingly.

"I'm fine, good afternoon ma." A hand went to scratch my head wearily and panic flashed in my mind, wondering what the hell I was going to do with the hair. I mean, I couldn't carry a nasty looking all-back to the dinner; that would just give Stephanie more things to pick on me for.

" I heard today is your after midterms dinner, and you didn't tell me?" She said, her words seeming like an accusation and I frowned. I thought something bad had happened and she was calling because of the dinner? When had she ever done that?

"Um, well...I didn't plan on going before and em...I didn't want to bother you," I managed to string some words together as an excuse.

"Its okay. Ehn...I saw some gowns at aunty Lade's store yesterday and I picked some out for you. They looked really nice and I thought you could choose one to wear for your dinner and then one of the others for your prom. There's this one that's deep purple, its so pretty and I know you like purple so I'm thinking that would be the one you would want to pick for prom. But its..." I zoned out, the rest of my moms excited rambling falling into deaf ears as silent tears streamed down my face.

I had imagined that moment more times than I could count in my life and I never believed it would come. My mom shopped for me. She actually went to buy clothes, with thoughts of me and the things I liked in mind. And she didn't have our maid do it, or just bring a stylist over to change my wardrobe. My mom did prom shopping for me...

"...are you still there? Mayowa?" I flashed out of my head and caught the last of her words, quickly sniffling back the remaining tears.

"Yes ma, I'm here. Em..." I trailed, not knowing what to say to her. I mean, I badly wanted to wear the clothes she had bought for me, but there was Wilson's too and he would be so disappointed.

"What's wrong?" She asked, worry filling her voice now.

"Nothing's wrong. I just...em, a friend already got me a gown. It was a surprise because I didn't want to go for the dinner, so he--em my friends planned and ordered me a gown so I would have no choice and be forced to go." I rambled an explanation, trying not to let slip that it was a boy who got the dress for me.

African--especially Nigerian--parents don't take kindly to hearing their daughters talking about boys. Definitely not about him already buying them things.

"Oh..." She sounded disappointed and I felt a sting in my heart. "I'm happy you have such nice friends though. Its good to be surrounded by supportive people and I know its a boy who got the dress, you don't need to hide that from me. I would like to meet him though, is he your boyfriend?" My eyes widened at her words, my mouth spluttering as my chest racked with coughs.


"Mom! No! He's not my boyfriend! He's just my friend and I didn't even know he bought it already. He told me after he did!" I whined, sure I was red down to my teeth with embarrassment. Thank God that conversation was over the phone!

"Ah! Ikan ti gbogbo yin man so na niyen! (That's what you all say!) Very soon now he'll become your boyfriend." She continued, laughter shaking her voice as she spoke and I groaned, covering my face with my hand even though she couldn't see me and I was alone in the room.

"Mom!" I whined loudly and she continued laughing. I was embarrassed, but happy like I'd never been. Those little moments between mother and child were the things I'd always craved my entire life and even though "boy talk" wasn't exactly how I'd imagined it to be, that was beyond perfect for me.

"Okay, okay! Sha be careful and always remain focused no matter what you do." She advised and I nodded, an embarrassed smile still lighting my surely red face as I nodded, before remembering she couldn't see me and then said a small okay. "So, maybe I'll drop by on Sunday after church to show you the dresses, and you can pick the one you like for prom. So if there's any adjustments to be made, we can do it on time." She suggested and I couldn't help the grin that took over my face at the thought of seeing the dresses she bought for me and actually spending time with her. But then I remembered Sunday was our excursion. Damn!

"We have an excursion on Sunday actually, a parent planned another one again," I couldn't help the disappointment in my voice.

"Ah...looks like you're booked all weekend!" Mom laughed, trying to cover up the disappointment in her own voice too.

"Sadly..." I sighed, loving how easy it was getting to converse with her--no awkwardnesses.

"Its okay, maybe next week Saturday then. Your prom is kuku still after Waec, so we have enough time." She said and I hmmned, agreeing with her but still wanting to spend time together.

"I'll let you go and prepare for your dinner now. I also have a few things to do before the day ends." She said and I smiled, liking how our conversation ended for once.

"Bye mom,"

"Bye honey, I love you." I waited a few seconds, letting those words ring in my ears with all the sincerity behind them.

"I love you mom."

I don't know why that felt like a goodbye...

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