Chapter Six

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The next day, Tracy brought Rita Grace home. Felice was in the kitchen happily humming no tune in particular and cooking breakfast when Darryl brought Rita Grace in.

“Humming? Are you happy or something?”

Smiling, she took the baby from Darryl, kissed him and said, “Me? Happy? Now, Mr. Thornton, what could I possibly be happy about?”

Smiling back he said, “I can think of a few things, Miss Bellicini.”

“You can? Then I suggest you share them.”

She put Rita Grace in the high chair and walked back to Darryl and kissed him and the passion started to once again ignite in him.

“If you keep kissing me that way, breakfast will be delayed. Speaking of breakfast, do I smell something burning?”

“Oh my god!”

Felice rushed to the stove and pulled off the bacon.

“Oh, no. It's ruined. I'll have to make another batch.”

“Don't go to the trouble. The kids don't eat bacon and I only like a slice or two. We don't need it.”

“Yes, we do. What you don't understand is that I could eat a pound of it by myself,” she laughed. “It'll only take a minute.”

She was putting more bacon in the pan when the twins came running in.

“What's for breakfast? I'm starved!” Glenn announced.

Darryl ruffled his hair and told him it was just about done.

She already placed orange juice, pancakes, fruit, yogurt, scrambled eggs and home-fried potatoes on the table. She wanted to make this breakfast special for the children. Before sitting, Felice poured cups of coffee for her and Darryl then joined her new family.

“Wow!” Gabriella said. “Dad, how come you don't make breakfast like this?”

“I do not have the culinary skill Felice has.”

Looking rather confused, Gabriella asked, “What is culiary skill, Dad?”

Struggling to find words she would understand, he smiled and slowly pronounced the word, “It means she knows how to cook a lot better than your daddy does.”

“That’s what I said.” Turning her attention to Felice she said, “Yeah, you got better culiary skills than my daddy. Did I say it right, Daddy?”

“Almost, honey.”

Felice and Darryl were careful to stifle their giggles so not to hurt her feelings.

“I’m glad you're here! Look at all this food,” Glenn said, already piling it on his plate as if he hadn't eaten in a week.

Although she ate at this table dozens of times before, she was nervous. They planned on telling the children about their engagement, but she didn't know how Glenn and Gabriella were going to take their news.

“I almost forgot the bacon again,” Felice exclaimed.

“I’ll get it,” Darryl offered.

While she fed her daughter, he drained the bacon, placed it on paper towels on top of a plate and set it on the table.

Sitting back down, he hesitantly began the conversation.

“Children, there’s something Felice and I would like to share with you.”

Glenn looked at his father with his mouth full of food and said, “What?”

“Well, I asked Felice if she would marry me and become part of our family. We really want to know how you both feel about that.”

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