Chapter Seven

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Darryl picked up the twins from the babysitter’s, figuring it might be a little easier having the children around to take Felice’s mind off of Rita Grace.

To put it bluntly, it had been hell the last two days for both Felice and Darryl. There was no telephone call from the kidnapper. The cops were still there taking shifts while monitoring telephone calls.

They tried their best to entertain the twins, but Felice’s heart wasn’t in it. Darryl tried getting her to look at catalogs full of wedding ideas, but she couldn’t concentrate. All she could think of was her baby. Where was she? Who had her? Why had they taken her? What did they want? No one had the answers she was seeking.

Using his computer, Darryl printed up posters with pictures of Rita Grace. He included a police tip hot line number they were given. He also added in their home telephone number for anyone to anonymously call if they saw anything. Along with the request for information, he posted a ten thousand dollar reward. That morning, Darryl drove around tacking up the flyers everywhere he could think of near the park, in the city and near their neighborhood.

Felice still refused to leave the house. She couldn’t even bring herself to shower for fear she would not hear the telephone ring. She dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt, looking as haggard as she felt. She didn’t care. All she wanted was to get her baby back.

Darryl’s parents called and said they would be happy to fly there to take care of the twins. Darryl thought it was a good idea as other people in the house might help, but Felice insisted they stay home because she didn’t want company right now.

She didn’t sleep and it showed in her sunken eyes. She only ate when Darryl forced her to. She was lifeless and beyond consolation. Darryl felt like a failure, not knowing what to do. He desperately wanted to go out and look for her himself, but was concerned about leaving Felice alone. She couldn’t take care of herself right now, let alone the children.

Darryl finally insisted she shower and get dressed, telling her that it would revive her. She got in the shower and let the hot water pour over her. She began to wash her hair when another wave of panic overcame her. She sank down to her knees, the water spraying across her back. She knelt there, her own arms wrapped tightly around herself and cried until she felt numb inside. Shampoo from her hair began to drip into her eyes, making her cry harder. Falling against the shower doors when she tried to stand up, she realized how weak she was from not eating or sleeping. Struggling to find just a little energy, she finished her shower, stepped out of the tub and dried herself off.

She walked over to the mirror and was startled at what she saw. Swollen eyes stared back at her. Her skin was pale, deathly pale, even though her complexion was normally a deep tan. It was then she made a decision.

“I’m coming, baby. Mommy is going to find you. I’ve wasted three days sitting here feeling sorry for myself while you’re out there needing me to find you.”

She quickly got dressed and rushed into the bedroom.


“I’m here, dear.”

“Let’s go.”

“What? Where?”

“Out. I need to find my baby and I can’t do it sitting here wallowing in self pity.”

Darryl just stared at her. It was like a new woman emerged from the shower.

When he didn’t move, Felice asked, “Are you coming?”

“Of course.”

He moved into action and followed Felice through the hall and down the stairs. He stopped her when they reached the living room.

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