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i got back to the hotel nervous as hell
the boys weren't much help so how was i supposed to tell her
life is so frustrating sometimes aish
i now have no clue what to do
how to tell her she's my soulmate
the one I'm bound to be with for the rest of my life
i got it, i'm a musician i could express all my feelings along with the fact i'm her soulmate in a song (rap), right?
i hope so

i walked into the bedroom to see y/n asleep
she's honestly so cute
"pst, y/n" i gently tap her, not wanting to hurt her
"y-yoongi, weren't you out with the boys?"
"yeh we were but you said you weren't feeling well earlier so i came here to see if you were okay" i gently replied
"o-oh, well i'm fine, anyways i-i need to get some fresh air"


since when did yoongi get so worried?
things are so weird and awkward between us now its honestly horrible

soulmate? 💞 (this is in y/n's phone)

hello ❤

oh, hello
how are you?

I'm fine
what about you?

I'm good :)

uh, I have a question
do you prefer slow music or fast music?

that's random..
but probably slow

okay :)

why'd you ask?

oh... no reason
got to go seeya

right, bye ❤


my soulmate is so random wanting to know what music I prefer
I really wish I knew who he was...


slow music...
can rapping slow sound decent?
... who knows
for one, I am definetly not singing
not one bit

I need lyrics
I don't know what time she's coming back so I really have to finish this quickly

time skip brought to you by jins worldwide shoulders

finally done and she's not back
thank god

(don't ask how he did it without equipment, k thx bye)

I leave the lyrics on the bed and put the CD in the player
I decide to leave a note as well


I get back to the hotel and open the door to our room
yoongi isn't here?
that's worrying its getting quite late...

walking further into the room, I see a note on the bed

'y/n, if you see this, press play on the CD player. I won't be back for a few hours because me and the boys have got some things to speak about :)'

the CD player?
this is honestly just scary
I pressed play and immediately hear yoongis voice

'y/n..... I wish I had the guts to tell you this in real life, making it romantic and stuff but that's extremely cliche and I'm not exactly the type of person for romantic things.
I made this rap for you especially
don't expect too much though *yoongi giggling*
oh also the lyrics are on the bed so if you for some reason can't process what I'm saying just read the lyrics.

ever since the day I found out you were my soulmate, I was ecstatic. lucky enough bang pd had already gotten you a job to work with us. I got to know you as a person and I really fell for you. y/n your my soulmate. the one I'm bound to be with for the rest of my life. I've not known you that long but you mean a lot to me. I really hope you aren't dissapoitned that its me whose your soulmate. the one you were messaging the whole time. yes it was me. earlier when me and the boys were talking about soulmates and they all talked about mine I was honestly so upset I didn't have the guts to tell you. I'm so sorry for waiting so long to tell you. I really like you y/n....

(lets pretend he keeps on talking about his feelings. I also really need the guts to spill out my feelings but I know imma get rejected xD at least this is fanfic
ps- sorry its cringy xD 👍❤)


I hope she's heard it..
even though at the same time I don't want her too
lets just hope she accepts my feelings, even if we are soulmates she could hate me...

time skip brought to you by me cuz I'm writing this :)

I get back to the hotel room and put my ear to the door to hear if she's still listening to it
I hear nothing so decided to knock
she opens the door and straight away I can see she has been crying. I did this too her
oh god she hates me
she doesn't want me as her soulmate


I walk inside still looking at y/n
her eyes are red and puffy, I've been gone only 1 hour but she looks so destroyed

's-so uh *cough*'
'y-your my soulmate'
'y-yeh, please don't be disappointed because I also like let all my feelings out in that rap and that took so much effort like wow. yeh so just don't b-'
'yoongi shut up, there isn't anyone I'd rather be stuck with for the rest of my life'

she then walks up to me and hugs me
for the first time I'm actually getting flustered over something
y/n what you do to me

'i made it slow just like you like it' I say looking down at her
'what a random question to ask your soulmate'
'mhm, so *cough* w-will you b-be my girlfriend?'
'oh.. okay' I say walking off
'yoongi, I didn't mean it, you know that right? of course I'll be your girlfriend'
she looks at my face with her bright smile
I honestly can't stand this girl
'o-oh yeh right'


I don't understand life
why did yoongi have to be my soulmate
not that I'm disappointed
he just already meant so much to me as an idol then he's now my soulmate
it is way too much to handle
I finally know who my soulmate is though
that's all I'm happy about


I'm so happy I finally told her
I couldn't hold back any longer
she means so much to me yet I hardly know her
and now she's asleep hugging me
what a night...


dont come at me fosie_Chan helped me with this chapter
as in like the main idea of the song (rap?)
so yeh
its finally out and I couldve made him hate her but I'm nice for now
oh yeh I wrote a lot of words this chapter and I fell asleep looking at the words one night lol :)

oh god, I got love yourself her as an early birthday gift and I got yoongi as the photocard, he may not be my bias but wowow what a bias wrecker
I also got persona and I got jimin for the 3rd time so I was freaking about that lol
I spent all my birthday money yet my birthday is in 20 days sksks
I be broke ✌

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