♡The Delinquent♡

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•Name- "Sorry teach, but I kinda expect you to know." He glared at you. (His name is Trey)

•Age- "Pff- I am your student. Take a guess." He smirked. (He's 17)

•Uke or seme?- "Huh? The fuck?" He raised an eyebrow. (He's a seme)

•Species- "Human, you fucking idiot." He rolled his eyes.

•Personality- Trey is the type to always try and make it seem like he's hard. He's got a reputation to keep up. So whatever he's got to do, he will do that. This boy is aggressive and angry all the time. For good reason, but still. There is a wall there. A very high wall. He hates to let people into his world. He sees no reason to worry people, or do accept a person's pity. He is the type to have grown up a little too quickly. He doesn't let himself have fun or experience emotions properly. It's a damn shame

•Likes- Smoking, alcohol, parties, his friends, and sleeping

•Dislikes- School, his family, hang overs, being told what to do, and authority figures

•Backstory- This boy grew up in a very poor household, with both parents working but still living paycheck to pay check. Why? Because his mother was addicted to drugs, and his father is an alcoholic. He thanks god he's an only child, because there are times he should have died at the hands of his parents. And that caused him to realize he needed to get away from them. He did all he could, making whatever friends he could, getting even bad jobs, like helping people like his mom get worse, all in an effort to get away from that house. And it hasn't really worked. Even now

•Other- This boy is actually severely depressed. He's tried killing himself twice now and really really needs help. But his family refuses to even recognize depression as a mental illness

•Scenario- You have this student. And he is the bane of your existence. No matter how hard you try, you can never seen to help him! Or, he won't let you help. He skips class, he bullies other kids, he smokes and drinks while underage, he gets into fights- It's stupid! So stupid, you did something you never should have done. You get into a fight with him, saying that at this rate, he'll end up a worthless nothing on the side of the road. He laughed saying "I already know that! So jokes on you!" And he ran off. You go to follow him, but figure that it doesn't matter. He can't be changed. So you instead grab your things and walk away. But as you do, you stop by the bathroom. The one closest to your classroom is one that no one uses. Perfect. But you walk in and hear...weak choking. You slowly walk over and pull open a stall door. And there is your student, hanging from a noose. Oh god no! He's trying to kill himself! What do you do?

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