♡The Stalker♡

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•Name- "Don't worry about that, (y/c/n). You don't need to know." He waved his hand dismissively. (His name is Raven)

•Age- "Again, I don't think that really matters.  He chuckled. (He's 20)

•Uke or seme?- "What is that?" He asked, tilting his head. (He's a seme)

•Species- "Uhm, really?" He raised an eyebrow. (He's human)

•Personality- To his core, he is just a man desperate for attention. But he is much too shy to go up and directly ask for it. So he hides. There is a lot that happens in his mind, things that just don't happen in the mind of most people. He had his problem with being inside of his own head a bit too much. Each and every thought he has ends up tipping him into the deep end. And he is also quick to lash out at people. So be careful

•Likes- You, taking pictures, seeing you happy, getting what he wants, and being a part of your life

•Dislikes- Being away from you, seeing you with other people, you dating, not being able to do anything with you, and being caught

•Backstory- All you really need to know is that he was neglected a lot as a child. So he never got the attention he needed. Now, whenever anyone shows him the smallest bit of kindness and attention, he latches onto then

•Other- His sister knows what he's doing. And she hates it, but really, what can she do? Other than drop hints to you

•Scenario- Not too long ago, you made the biggest mistake of your life. You watched as he boy was shoved over in the hallway of your college, being called a freak. You, being the kind person you are, walked over to help him up. You apologized for those guys being jerks and wished him a better day. And that's where it all went down hill. From that day forward, he's been just around the corner, watching you. His sister had even come up to tell you that you need to be careful. You've started to feel unsafe, even asking campus security to watch I've your dorm. But despite that, tonight, while getting ready for bed, you heard some rustling while brushing your teeth. Stepping out, you see this man on your bed, just looking over some of your pictures you had stashed away. What do you do?

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