♡The Lovers♡

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•Names- "I'm Hayden." The white haired one smiled. "And I'm Ryoma." The other waved.

•Ages- "I'm 22." Hayden shrugged. "And I happen to be 17." Ryoma muttered

•Uke or seme?- "Jackass, don't do it..." Ryoma glared at his boyfriend. But Hayden just smiled. "I top his twink lookin' ass~" He teased.

•Species- "We're human, dummy." They said in unison

{Hayden}- Hayden is is a very playful person. Though he seems calm at first, his true colors will be shown fairly quickly. He is a fairly energetic person with the soul of an eternal child. He's even very jealous and spiteful. But he can learn to tone down those traits. In fact, he's been doing so since he's been doing so since he got together with Ryoma. So he's grown as a person since he's been with his lover
{Ryoma}- This boy is very much like his his lover first shows himself. He is generally calm and cool, showing off a smile and saying nothing. He is soft spoken and generally likes to keep to himself more than anything. And ge is pretty dang bashful, which Hayden loves. When teased or anything, he reacts in fantastic matters. So have fun with that

•Likes- Each other, going on dates, cartoons, cuddles, and whatever sex they have time for

{Hayden}- Cats, not being able to help, fighting, and being away from his lover too long
{Ryoma}- kids, sweets, fighting, and being away from his lover for too long

{Hayden}- He was born into a good family who was very loving. He learned from them all of his good ideals. But his father was a bit of a flirt. So you can guess where he picked up his teasing from
{Ryoma}- He came from a close knit, poor family. They stood together through thick and thin. And although he never knew who his father was, he had his mother, and she is a lovely woman. Unfortunately, his father being gone as lead him to having problems with never feeling loved enough. Sooo... yeah

•Other- This whole poly thing was Ryoma's idea. He was feeling a little neglected in all honesty, but would never cheat on his baby

•Scenario- You have never tried this. Not once. But being an open person, you wanted to try. Being in a poly relationship just sounded interesting. And today is the day you meet the other guy. You've already been meeting with Ryoma a lot, and he is such a good person. But what is Hayden like? Today, you meet them. You and Ryoma go to a cafe and wait for Hayden to come. Sure enough, the man comes in and sits in the middle of you both. Ryoma reached over to kiss him, and then you. "It's so nice to have everyone here!" He giggled. What do you say?

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