chapter 1

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In Miss Hattie's Home for Girls, there were poor children. Not just any poor children, but for girls up to the age of seventeen to be taken care of as they didn't have families of their own. It was an orphanage, but it was run by a terrible woman known as Miss Hattie who wasn't very kind to the children. She only took it over after the sudden death of her sister who was very kind with the girls and made them feel special even if they were orphans and she took in her niece named Jane who was also now an orphan herself, but had her aunt. Inside, there was a girl who was wearing mainly black and she was waiting for three certain girls as it was a full moon out tonight and she was anxious for the girls to come back.

"Where are they?" the older girl sighed. She was going to be seventeen soon and she was told that on her birthday, she would have to be kicked out of the orphanage and left to 'fend for herself'.

Jane was a slightly darker blonde than her aunt, and her eyes were a warmer color. She was in a rather girly pink outfit though she looked uncomfortable in it. "I'll go out and find them for ya," she said softly in her Texan accent, planning on helping the girl. "Patty, I'll make sure they get back safe." she then informed the girl.

"Sure, Jane..." Patty said, rather icily, though it was kind toward her. Jane was the closest thing she had to a real friend.

Jane nodded, offering a brief smile. "I'll see you in a short while then." she told the other girl. She went and got her coat, heading outside to go and find the girls, knowing that she wouldn't get in as much trouble as Patty would've done by going out.

Patty sighed and held herself, glancing out the window. She brushed a stray ebony hair out of her face and looked out.

The girls had been outside on their cookie sales. The older one of the three girls was holding the youngest one's hand as they were trying to remember how to get back to their temporary home. The middle girl who kind of looked more like a boy though in pink was just swinging herself about and splashing against the watery puddles.

"Girls..." Jane said softly as she saw them. She had been following the direction that they had gone in that morning. She went up to them.

The girl in the pink hat, whose name was Edith, looked up at Jane. "Are we in trouble?" she asked, her voice bland as it usually was around Jane. he knew she was kinder than Miss Hattie but she found it hard to trust the niece of the horrible orphanage owner.

"Please don't make Miss Hattie put us in the boxes!" the youngest one, Agnes, was scared.

"I promise." Jane promised the smallest girl. She held out her hands for if the ones who wanted to hold her hands wanted to.

The elder of the trio, Margo, glanced at Jane. "Did we get lost?"

"Come on, I'll take you... Home." Jane said softly, the only name the girls could call it until they grew up or found new proper homes.

Edith jumped back up on the sidewalk and waited for Jane to lead the way. Margo took Agnes's hand and Jane's hand, even if she was the oldest and followed Jane back to their home.

"We sold a lot today." Margo told the oldest girl.

"That's good, girls, remember that Aunt Hattie never thinks it's enough... But it is." Jane said, gently warning the girls.

Edith scoffed. "I can't wait until I'm old enough to leave with Margo, Agnes, and Patty." she said.

"Aw, come on, Edith, we'll get adopted someday!" Agnes chirped. "Margo said..."

Margo sighed a little. "Somehow, I don't think that's possible anymore..."

It didn't take long enough until they came up to the foster home to tell the owner about their sales of the day.

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