Chapter 1

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Hi, this is my first book ever, so please consider that and I hope you like it.
This book will be a foreign language, my native language(Serbian) but I will translate everything after each sentence.

I'm sitting in the bar after the interview for the job of personal assistant and I am waiting for my friend Anne to come to meet me. While I'm waiting for her, a man approaches me, but I didn't acknowledge him. He was seated next to me.
'Why are you seating alone?' he asked.
'I'm waiting for my friend.' I said without looking who he was.
When I looked at him I jumped in my seat.
'I'm sorry, Mr. Knight. I didn't know it was you.'
'It's all right. I've noticed that you didn't look at me.
'Sorry for asking but what are you doing here?'
'I come here when I'm stressed from work.'
I didn't say anything and I continued to drink my coffee. We talked some more and he said that I got the job as his PA. I was so excited and I hugged Mr. Knight, I didn't realize what I did until he put his hands on my hips and hug me back, I felt sparks when our skin came in touch.
' OMG, I am so sorry Mr. Knight. I was so excited and please forgive me.'
'It's all right. But this can't happen again.'
'Yes, Mr. Knight.' I said with a red face.
OMG, what did I do? At that moment my phone is running and it was my brother who is calling.
'Who is Nicolas?' he asked a bit jealous and angry.
I didn't know why is he having this feeling.
I didn't answer him, because I answered my brother.
'Cao, dal je sve reduce?' I asked him. (Hi, is everything alright?)
'Ne, tvoj bivsi muz je dosao i hoce da uzme Romana na silu. Da zovem policiju?'(No, your ex-husband is here and he wants to take Roman without permission. Should I call the police?)
'Da, pozovi ih dolazim za 15 min.'(Yes, call them. I'll be in 15 minutes.)
'OK, cao.'(OK, bye.)
Mr. Knight is looking at me with confusion on his face.
'Sorry, Mr. Knight but I have to go.' I said with panic on my face.
I paid for my coffee and run out of the bar. Mr. Knight came after me and stop me.
'I can drive you to your home if it's urgent.'
'No, but thank you I don't want to bother you with my problems.' was all I said and called for a taxi. But suddenly he grabbed my arm and said
'It's not, so came with me and I'll drive you.'
I nod. We're in the car and he broke the silence.
'Is everything fine, Ms. Lexie?'
'No. My ex-husband is trying to take my son Roman and he can't because I am not there. I have full custody.'
'OK, I will go with you and we'll solve the problem.' he said.
At that moment Anne called me.
'Cao, Ana. Izvini, ali morala sam da odem Cole pokusava nasilno da uzme Romana. Zvacu te kad resim to.'(Hi Ana. I'm sorry, but I had to leave, Cole is trying to take Roman forcibly. I'll call you when I solve the problem.)
'OK. Zovi me da mi kazes sta se desilo. Cao.'(OK. Call me to tell me what happened. Bye.)
We stop in front of my building and went to my apartment. I was first to come in and Mr. Knight followed me. Inside was already the police and they handcrafted Cole.
'STA RADIS TO COLE? DAL SI NORMALAN PRED DETETOM SE PONASAS KAO KRIMINALAC! REKLA SAM TI DA MOZES DA GA VIDJAS SAMO KAD SAM JA TU I JA TI GA DAM, TAKO PISE U RESENJU ZA RAZVOD I STARATELJSTVO.'(What are you doing Cole? Are you insane, you are acting like a criminal in front of a child! I told you that you can see him when I'm there, that's what is on the document from our divorce.)
'Dosao sam da ga vidim imam pravo i on je moj sin. I ko je ovaj kreten pored tebe?'(I came to see him, after all he is my son too. And who is this idiot here?)
'Prvo on nije kreten, drugo ne trebam da ti se pravdam.'(First of all, he isn't an idiot, and second, that is none of your business.)
'ZNAO SAM DA SI KURVA. Uzecu ti dete samo cekaj.'(I KNEW YOU WERE A WHORE. I'll take you, my son, just you wait.)
'Gospodo, zao mi je sto ste morali da dolazite I svedocite ovome. Ovo je gospodin Zander Knight i on je moj sef. Vlasnik je High Tech Knight Inc. bila sam na razgovoru za posao za asistenta.' I said to the officers. (Gentleman, I'm sorry you have to come in here and see this. This is Mr. Zander Knight my boss, he is the owner of High Tech Knight Inc. I went to a job interview for PA.)
'U redu, gospodjo. Mi cemo ga sad odvesti da li zelite da podnesete tuzbu I zabranu prilaska?'(it's alright, Miss, we will take him now, do you want to report this.)
'Da zelim.'(Yes.)
They gave me the papers and I signed them and they left with Cole. Mr. Knight was sitting in the living room and I brought him coffee. I set on the sofa and we talked about what happened.
'I'm sorry that you have to witness this.' I said to Mr. Knight.
'It's alright. But I have to ask you would you like to come with me to New York and work for me there.' he asked suddenly.
'After everything that happened today, I would love to come with you to New York.'
At that moment he come closer to me and he kissed me with so much passion and love. And after a few seconds, I kissed him back with so much love. Omg what did I do, I will get fired because of this, no no I thought. I moved from him and breathed heavily.
'I'm so sorry Mr. Knight this won't happen again please don't fire me.'
He looks at me and said something unexpected.
'I won't fire you if you go on a date with me?'
'Mmr. Knight, I think that would be inappropriate because you're my boss.'
'No it won't like you said I'm the boss so I think that won't be a problem. And it's Zander to you.'
'OK, Zander. I would love to go on a date with you.'
With that said he stood up and I escorted him to the door. When he left I walked to my brother's room and take Roman to get him ready for bed. He was asleep in no time, so I left to shower and to bed. My thoughts won't let me sleep. The beeping on my phone woke me off my thoughts I looked at it to see a message from Zander.
'Hi beautiful, I wish you sweet dreams. I will pick you up tomorrow morning at 7.30 and we will go to work together. Good night.
I smiled at this message and replied to him.
'Thank you, you too have a good night and dreams. OK, I'll wait for you in front of my building. Good night.'
I put my phone on the charger and slowly sleep took over.

I hope you like my first chapter. Thanks, MY LITTLE MOONS.

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