Chapter 8

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One month later


One month past by quickly and so much had happened. After that night I went back to the apartment and stayed there with Roman and we would go back to pack and spend day with kids and their mothers. The pack members noticed that something is wrong with their lieders, and they asked me about that, but I just said that we had arguments and we are dealing with them. So we will be fine in couple of days. I learned a lot about them, also Sky and Esme with their kids Grace( Sky's 2 years old) and Paul (Esme's 4 years old) would join us when they're not working and every Sunday all of us would go to the lake few miles away from the pack house. Wherever I go two guards would follow me, I learned their names and that Zander ordered them, supposedly for my protection. Alexander with blonde hair, green eyes and more muscular and Robert with black hair and blue eyes. At first I didn't want them to follow me around but I got used to it and I didn't want to talk to Zander about it so I just went with it. They didn't found their mates yet, so I was surprised when I learned that, because I was unmated female and also Alpha's mate. Which is why I assumed that Zander would put mated male as my guards. Apparently, Alexander and Robert are best fighters in the pack and that's why Zander pick them for the job.
Grace and Roman have their birthday together and we would celebrate with the whole pack. Even Zander was there, but he kept his distance from me, which I was grateful. He played with Roman and Grace and gives them biggest present, the tree house near the pack house. They were so happy and went every day to play in it. I gave Roman black wolf toy for birthday present and he loves it so much that he sleeps with it.
Today I was on my way to Zander's office to talk to him about my job as Whisperer. I knock on the door and opening them, but what I saw shocked me, his office is such a mess. Desk broken, shelfs on the floor, papers and books all over the place. He just set there on the couch which isn't ripped apart for some reason. Once he notice me he tense a little. His eyes were red from crying and they held so much sorrow. I'm so sad because he is like this because of me, but it wasn't my fault that we don't talk or have some kind of relationship. I approuch him slowly and set beside him, I put my hand on his face and said.
'You can't go on like this anymore. Snap out of it. You're big bad Alpha King and you have responsibility for your people. Just because we don't talk that doesn't mean that you have to be like this all angry and hateful. I can't forget for hurting me but I love you with every fiber in me and I can't see you like this anymore. So I forgive you but don't make me regret this.'
'You.. You love me? But why? I hurt you and yet you forgive me.' he asked ashamed.
'Of course I love you, you're my mate and wonderful, caring person but you mask yourself with heartless and ruthless expressions because you don't want to let anyone know you for how you are. You think that just because you're the King you have to be ruthless, heartless and cruel. But you don't have to be like that with me. I'm your mate if you want me to respect you, you have to respect me in return.'
'My wolf is made to be that way because he's the beast. Moon Goddess create him for role of the King. He may be nice to you because he loves you more than his life but to others he is true beast and everyone knows not to mess with him.'
'Fine, I can accept that, but if you or Alarick hurts me again we are over. I can't be in relationship where someone will continue hurting me, not again anyways.' I said and he tensed little.
'What do you mean not again?'
'I- I.. Oh never mind. I want to cuddle with you. Roman is with Grace and Paul in the day care and after Ramona will pick him up and spend the rest of the day with him. So we have all day for us and we can go to my place so we can be alone.' he didn't push me with that question and I was grateful to him for that, I know that he will ask again and I'll have to tell him.
'Of course, my love. But first I want to kiss you it's been long since I have kissed your soft red lips.'
I'm blushing, and he pressed his lips on mine. The kiss is long, sensitive and passionate as he pressed his torso against me more hungrily. It seems like eternity to me as our faces moved gently in little circles, exploring each others lips. I whimper by the luck of his lips as he pulled away a little.
'Love, we have to go. We can continue this in the apartment.'
'Ohh.. Fine, come on.' I said while taking his hand and pooling him up from the couch.

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