Two Years Ago...

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Two years ago...

"Shawn, babe wake up." (Janessa says slightly shaking my arm)

"Huh. What's wrong?" (I said in a groggy, but worried tone)

"Shawn, we need to go to the hospital. Something's wrong with the baby." (Janessa)

I turn on the lamp on my nightstand and looks into Nessa's tearstained eyes searching for mine. I look down at her stomach and see that there's blood on the sheets. I immediately grab a pair of sweat pants and throw on a t-shirt, then proceed to grab a pair of extra clothes for the both of us and stuff it into a duffle, throwing over my shoulder. Then I grab the sheets and pull it off the bed and onto the floor, then I scoop up Janessa with a blanket and grab my keys and rush out the door. She's whimpering and crying into my chest and it hurts so much to see her in pain. We get to the underground garage and I open the backseat door and lay her down and fasten her seatbelt. I run over to the driver's side, toss the duffle into the passenger seat, start the car and get to the hospital as fast as I can. Toronto General is only a ten-minute drive away, so I get there in a heartbeat since it's early in the morning and there's no traffic. On the drive there, I call mum, then Dreyden and tell them to meet me in the ER of Toronto General and that I would explain everything when they get here. I park the car by the entrance of the ER and I scoop up Janessa into my arms again and run into the hospital.

"Please, someone. We need help!" (me)

I look down at my beautiful fianceé and see her weak and pale face, and tears begin to stream down my face. No one comes to us, and I'm starting to get frustrated.


Finally, a female nurse comes up to us.

"Can you tell us what happened, sir?" (nurse)

"She woke up and said something was wrong, and there was blood covering the sheets." (me)

"Okay." (nurse) "We need to get her into a treatment room."

I set her down onto a gurney that another nurse brought and they wheeled her away. I felt so helpless because there was nothing I could do for her.

"Is she going to be okay? Will our baby be okay?" (me)

"We don't know. We need to do some tests and in the meanwhile, we need you to fill out some paperwork." (nurse)

The nurse hands me a clipboard with papers for me to fill out about Nessa. As I'm filling out the papers, I see Drey run into the ER looking around frantically for me. He takes a seat beside me and I thank him for coming so quickly. He asks what's going on, and I told him that we're not sure yet. We wait for what seems like an eternity, and during this time mum, dad, and Aaliyah arrive.

"Mum." (I say standing up to hug her.)

"Everything is going to be okay, don't worry Shawn. Janessa's a strong girl." (mum)

"How do you know that? Mum, I'm so worried. I feel so helpless." (me)

"I know her, Shawn. You know her. She will be okay." (mum)

Dad gives me a pat on the back reassuring me that everything will be okay. Finally, a nurse comes to us and tells me exactly what I was afraid of.

"Mr. Mendes, we were able to save your fianceé, but we were not able to save the baby. We're so sorry for your loss." (nurse)

I fall to the ground, kneeling, and break down into tears. The fam surrounds me and embraces me and cried along with me. When we all get back up, the nurse guides us to the executive suites floor to the patient room that she's in. I look into the room and I see Janessa asleep looking so frail, and I can't help but cry. I can't bring myself to walk into the room.

"Shawn, you need to be there right alongside her. You need to be strong, for her." (mum)

"I know. It's just so hard, mum." (me)

"I know, Shawn. But what she needs right now, more than anything is to know that you're right there next to her, making sure everything is going to be okay." (mum)

I walk into the room and take a seat next to her bed and take her small hand into mine, and she wakes up.

"Nessa, how are you feeling." (me)

"I'm in a bit of pain." (Janessa)

The nurse gives her a small dose of morphine into her IV drip when she hears.

"What happened, Shawn? Is the baby gonna be okay?" (Janessa)

I begin to cry again...

"Shawn is the baby going to be okay?" (Janessa)

"Hunny, I'm so sorry... We lost the baby." (me)

She takes a sharp, inhaled breath and drops her head back and starts crying. I stand up and hold her head against my chest and hold her.

"I'm so sorry. It's not your fault and my love for you doesn't change." (me)

"We lost her?" (Janessa)

"It was a girl? We were gonna have a girl?" (I ask)

"I know we wanted to keep it a surprise, but I had to know, so I just didn't tell you." (Janessa)

"Melody. If it was a girl, we were going to name her Melody." (me)

"I know." (Janessa)

The rest of the family came into the room and sat on the sofas and one by one came up to the bed to talk to Nessa. I called up Mike, Dave, Zubin, Andrew, Brian, Connor, and a couple of others, and soon after they all came holding flowers, balloons, and one giant teddy bear. They each told us how sorry they were for our loss and said they brought her the flowers, balloons, and a teddy bear to help cheer her up a bit.


They had to keep her in the hospital for a couple of days just to make sure that everything was okay, and then they released her and we could finally go home. We brought home the giant teddy bear and some of the flowers with us. When we got home, I did the laundry and made some food for us to eat. After I finished preparing the food, I went to go find Janessa and I found her in her old room cuddled up with the giant teddy bear fast asleep.

In Love With My Fiancé: Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now