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*ring ring ring*

Hello? (I'm surprised... It's... a woman.)

Hi, uhm, I think I have the wrong number. Sorry.

Oh, it's alright.

Sorry. Goodbye.

*end call*

Just before I ended the call, I could hear someone say "Who was that?", then the call ended. And I would know that voice anywhere. Shawn...


I knew it had to be Shawn's number, since his and Drey's numbers were the only ones that I truly had memorized like the back of my hand. But I guess, he's moved on now. I guess, that little inkling of hope I had left is gone now.  I still followed him through the media to see how he was doing, but I hadn't seen anything about him beginning a new relationship... Maybe it was for the best. After I had left him, the media ate it all up, all the drama that they created about the fact that I wasn't seen with him anymore. It was a disaster. But I guess, he's happy now. And I'm happy for him, but if I'm happy for him, why does it still hurt so bad? I broke down into tears, clutching my pillow and crying into it, wishing it would magically turn into the man I had loved for so long. He was gone...


"Hi. Welcome to the Dream Bean. What can I get for you today?" (me)

"I'd like to see my sister, please." (I look up and see that it was Aaliyah)

"Liyah. What are you doing here?" (me)

"I came to see you. I figured it's been, what, 8 or 9 months since I'd last seen you. And I miss you and I just wanted to see you, again." (Aaliyah)

"Oh, well, if you wanna talk, I'm on break in a couple of minutes, if you don't mind waiting." (me)

"Okay, in that case, could I just get a lemonade infused iced tea?" (Aaliyah)

"Sure thing. And it's on the house." (me)

"Thanks." (Aaliyah)

I started to make her tea and I thought about what I should do. I want to talk to her, but I don't want to talk to her about Shawn. All of my memories with him come flooding back, and the phone call... That damn phone call. I just shouldn't have called him. I don't know what I was thinking.

I grab her tea and bring her back to the staff break room so we can talk in private, without people eavesdropping on our conversation or taking pictures of us. We sit down around the one table and I hand her the tea, and we just get talking.

"So, um, how have you been?" (me)

"I've been pretty good. You know, school and all, but other than that, life's pretty boring without having you around. I remember I used to come over to the condo and just hang out with you when I had nothing better to do." (Aaliyah)

"Yeah, and occasionally Shawn would get "irritated" that you were spending more time with me more than he was and would start a pillow fight." (I say chuckling remembering those times)

"Haha yeah, exactly. Man, I miss having you around. It's not the same anymore." (Aaliyah)

"I know... And it probably won't ever be the same..." (me)

"Sigh..."  (Aaliyah)

"I don't know if I should tell you this or not, but..." (me)

"But...? You know, you can tell me anything. No matter what has happened, I'm still your sister. I mean, even though we're not related or anything." (Aaliyah)

"Yeah, I know... So, I tried to call Shawn yesterday." (me)

"You did? What did he say? Why didn't he tell me that you had called?" (Aaliyah)

"That's the thing, Liyah. A woman picked up the phone. And I figured that Shawn had changed his number and that I called the wrong number. So I told the lady I was sorry and that I probably had the wrong number and hung up." (me)

"That's weird. Shawn hasn't changed his number. And he doesn't have... a girlfriend or anything." (Aaliyah)

"Yeah, I knew he didn't change his number." (me)

"Oh?" (Aaliyah)

"Because... right before I hung up... I heard his voice. I'd know his voice anywhere. He asked the woman who it was, and then the line cut." (me)

"Ohmygod." (Aaliyah)

"It honestly... It sounded like Kyndra." (me)

"You mean, Shawn's former 'fling' and your old bodyguard lady?" (Aaliyah)

"Yeah..." (me)

"No way. I haven't seen her since he fired her after you found out that she and Shawn were a thing back in Amsterdam." (Aaliyah)

"Really?" (me)

"Yeah, so I have no idea who that could be. For all I know, it could have been one of Shawn's friends who just answered the phone for him. But then again, that doesn't make sense since everyone respects Shawn's privacy and doesn't touch his phone." (Aaliyah)

"Yeah, I guess it's alright. If he's moved on, then I'm happy for him." (me)

"Nessa, he's far from moved on. He still misses you like hell. He hasn't been the same since you, uh, you know, left. He looks fine on the outside, but when he's at home he's a wreck." (Aaliyah)


Aaliyah left shortly after we finished talking. I gave her my new number because she wanted to keep in touch. I gave her a huge hug and promised we would talk again soon.

It hurt my heart so much knowing that he is still hurting. But at the same time, I feel relief knowing that he probably isn't seeing anyone. I still can't get over the fact that the woman on the phone might have been Kyndra.

But I guess whatever he's doing, whoever he's with, wherever he is, he's happy. And if he's happy, I'll be happy for him, even though it hurts. I still love him and I still miss him, but at the end of the day, I guess what matter most is that I've found myself, and now I can say that I'm ready to move on and spend the rest of my life with someone else.

In Love With My Fiancé: Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now