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Janessa called me and told me to bring the boys with me to dinner since she, Aaliyah, mum, and Rachel were coming along as well. After Janessa texted me the address to the restaurant, Brian, Jon, Matt, Prash, Josiah, and Andrew and I went in two separate cars, since there were a lot of us. When we got there I asked the guy at the front desk if there was a reservation under Janessa's name, he checked for the reservation then lead us to a private room in the back where the girls were waiting.

"Hey, hun." (me)

"Hey, babes." (She says giving me a peck)

"How was your day? Did you girls do something fun today." (me)

"Yeah! We actually—" (Aaliyah)

"We just had a girls day. Did you boys do anything fun?" (Janessa says cutting Aaliyah off as if she's hiding something)

"Yeah, we didn't do much other than hung out at the studio, then we headed back to the condo, after you texted me that you were out with the girls, and just played some video games and chilled." (me)

"That's nice." (Janessa)

"Yup. Did you order yet?" (me)

"Nope, not yet. We were waiting for you guys to get here." (Janessa)

"How thoughtful of you. Thanks for waiting." (me)

We all get seated around the table and decided what we're going to order. After the waiter came and took our orders, he came back shortly after with our drinks. The girls had wine and the guys had beer. How stereotypical haha.

We enjoyed the rest of the night eating, drinking and laughing and just enjoying each other's company. The topics to our conversations ranged from types of good wine and beer, to favorite foods, to the kidnapping (which I told everyone politely not to mention), to Janessa and I getting engaged again, to when we planned to set the date for the wedding and where we would hold it. Then when the night was over, we all went our separate ways back home.


Janessa and I got back to the house and cleaned up and got ready for bed, but before that, we were going to watch a movie. I head to the bathroom and hop into the shower after brushing my teeth. The warm water running over my shoulder feels so soothing. Between having tense shoulders and the bullet wound, my shoulders have been feeling like hell. A second later, Janessa opens the door to the shower and steps in.

"Mind if I join you?" (Janessa)

"Not at all." (I say with a smirk on my face)

"Hey, hey. Eyes up here." (Janessa jokes)

"But you're so beautiful. I can't take my eyes off of you." (me)

I nibble on her skin where she has one of her tattoos, where her neck meets her shoulders and she lets out of soft moan.

"Shawn, as much as I hate to have to stop you, remember, the doctor said we need to take it easy, and remember, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't have sex until marriage this time around since it's serious." (Janessa)

"I know, but you never said we couldn't have a little fun." (me)

"Shawn, come on. I'm being serious. Neither of us are really in optimal shape for this either. I just want to share a nice, warm, and soothing shower with my hubby to be." (Janessa)

"As you wish, my love." (me)

We helped each other wash each other and reach places that we couldn't and got out of the shower into our pajamas. I put on some long flannel pj pants and my favorite Hogwarts shirt, and Janessa just slipped into one of my shirts and a pair of her shorts.


We headed out to entertainment room and while Janessa hopped onto the couch and got comfortable under a wool blanket, I sat next to her, turned on the TV and got the movie running.

"Hey, Shawn?" (Janessa says leaning her head on my shoulder)

"Yeah, Ness?" (me)

"I was just thinking about some of tonight's dinner conversations, and I was wondering. When are we going to set the date and start our wedding planning?" (Janessa)

"Well, whenever you want to. Whenever you're ready, I'll be ready, too." (me)

"Even if it's right now?" (Janessa)

"Of course. I'm all ears. And since we're on the topic... Word travels fast, or rather social media does. There were pictures and articles and tabloids about you going in to a wedding dress boutique or whatever. And now people are all speculating that we're going to be getting married soon." (I say pausing the movie and turning off the TV)

"Ah right. Well, I just figured that it would be easier to get the dress taken care of beforehand so I wouldn't have to worry about one of the more bigger things we have to take care of. I'm sorry, I totally forgot that there are paps and fans all over. I should've been more careful." (Janessa)

"Oh hunny, I didn't mean that in a bad way. I'm thrilled that we're getting married and I could honestly care less if everyone found out. I want the whole world to know that I'm going to marry the love of my life! So don't worry about, hun." (me)

"You're the best." (Janessa says giving me a kiss)

"And so are you. I love you, darling." (me)

"I love you more." (Janessa)

"I love you most." (me)

"Mm. Okay so hopping back into the wedding topic, I was thinking we could have an early summer or late spring wedding so like maybe in like May or June or maybe even July?" (Janessa)

"I think that's a great idea. Since it won't be too hot or too cold. You can never predict this Toronto weather, eh." (me)

"Haha, yeah exactly. And since I only have two bridesmaids, Aaliyah and Rachel, I thought I'd make them both my maids of honor. But you can choose whoever you want to be your best man and you can have as many groomsmen as you want." (Janessa)

"As many as I want?" (I ask lifting an eyebrow)

"Okay, but not as many as you want, but I would limit it to six or seven?" (Janessa)

"Haha, I was just kidding. But yeah, six or seven sounds fine with me." (me)

"And, uhm, where would we have the wedding? I want it to be as private as can be, just the people we invite and us, not anyone else. Not paps, no reporters or anything like that. And if its okay with you, I've always wanted to get married in a church." (Janessa)

"Yeah, of course. Uhm, I've been thinking about that, too. And I have a couple of ideas, in case you don't agree with some." (me)

"Okay, let's hear 'em." (Janessa)

"So there's this one hall where we could host the reception, and right next door is a church, too. Or there's this really gorgeous chateau kind of place, and it'll be more of an outdoor wedding, and the reception and ceremony would all be outside. Or we could get married at High Park, since we , you know, had our first date there, and I proposed to you again. Or we could have a totally indoor wedding, all in one place. But I don't know how you'd feel about the last three since you want to get married in a church." (me)

"Wow, you've done your research. And actually, just thought bout it... As long as I'm marrying you, I could care less where. But getting married at a "chateau kind of place" is appealing to me most." (She says making fun of my description of the outdoor venue)

"You know, I think, eight really is our lucky number. I was born on May 8th, you were born on August 8th, we got engaged for the first time four years ago on your birthday, the eighth, and then we got engaged this time on February 8th. I think it's safe to say that 8 really is our lucky number, because I'm pretty sure that all of this could be coincidence. So, how about we get married on the eighth, too? What'd ya think?" (Janessa)

"I love that idea. How about July 8th? I think that number is going to stick with me." (me)

"I love it." (Janessa)

In Love With My Fiancé: Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now