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Blair's outfit

Blair's Point of View:

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Blair's Point of View:

I ignored my family's talking as I drew out the final coculations for my newest test invention.

It was supposed to make animals talk like people do so we can understand them more easily.

My family saw that as fantasy.

But that is what an inventor does.

They do the impossible.

My little sister looked at my notebook at my invention plans.

"Blair, Wha-"

"Don't call her than Veronica. Her name is mistake." My father said.

I could tell he was smirking by the tone of his voice.

"Last time I checked, my birth certificate said Blair, not mistake." I said sassy like.

My father groaned in annoyance at my sass.

"And second, Veronica, I'm drawing out plans for a device to make animals talk like humans, so it can be easier to understand them. So it can be easier to take care of them to know what they need." I told her.

"That's so cool!" Veronica said exited.

"Thanks. At least ONE of my siblings backs me up with my inventions." I said glaring at my older brother who gazed at his phone with headphones over his ears so he couldn't hear me with his music blasting out his ear drums.

We pulled to a stop in a parking lot.

"WERE GETTING ANOTHER PET?!" Veronica yelled happily.

I looked up from notebook as my brother looked up from his phone seeing we were at the pet shop we got my dog Harley Quinn at.

Harley was an Australian Shepherd and a female dog.

And it's where we got my Chameleon Pascal.

It was actually my brothers but he almost killed it so I took him into my care.

I put my notebook under my armpit and put my pen behind my ear as me and my siblings got out of the car with my parents.

We walked inside.

My eyes immediately landed on the mole in the hamster cage along with the three guinipigs.

And a hamster mixed with a ferret.

I looked at my notebook at my plans.

Till I bumped into someone.

I looked up seeing the owner of the store.

She spoke mostly Spanish.

Thankfully I was multutoung so I could understand her.

"Sorry ma'am." I said.

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