content creator☆

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this  chapter is messy

i arrive back to stephen's house to see him still awake.

'hey bud,' i say, walking into his kitchen and see him typing something into his laptop.

'alright y/n,' he replies, not looking up from his laptop.

'watcha doin'?' i ask him, mocking the chick from phineas and ferb.

'if i'm being honest, i'm editing a video,' he says, still fixated on what he was working on.

'oooooh, what type?' i ask, goinng to get a glass of water.

'comedy because i, stephen lawson, am a comedy genius,' he says, finally looking up and placing a hand onto his chest.

'very niiiiice,' i laugh. 'wanna grab brunch tomorrow before i go back to london?' i ask him.

'wow, are we millennials, eating brunch and shit?' he laughs, causing me to roll my eyes.

'yes, of course,' i say, 'night.'

☆time skip brought to you by endgame fucking me up☆

i say goodbye to stephen and walk towards the train station. i get my ticket and take a seat on one of the benches and wait for the train to pull up at the platform.

the train pulls up and i hop on, taking a seat and whipping out my camera and laptop. i start to render the photos from the wedding, preparing them for editing and sending. 

i get invested in my laptop that i don't see the person sitting down in front of me.

'alright,' he says. i look up, shocked but chill when i see it's will.

'stalking me now?' i ask him, laughing.

'jus' heading home,' he smiles, leaning back into his seat.

'mise freisin,' i say, forgetting it's not a normal thing to say.

'wha' now?' he asks me.

'me too,' i translate for him, smiling.

'whereabouts in london then?' he asks me. 

☆(i'm finna be making up places because i live in ireland and have no clue about london or the uk at all (except for northern ireland, but if i'm being real, it belongs to us))☆

'an apartment block near jeff's street,' i inform him, 'how about you?'

'place near buster street, init,' he says, i nod.

'aight, then we're pretty close then,' i nod my head again.

'right we are,' he says, 'so what do you do?' he asks me, continuing our converstaion.

'photography, as surprising as it may seem to you,' i laugh, gesturing at my camera, 'how about you?'

'i am a content creator,'he says, holding his head high.

'what type of content mate? pretty broad statement 'content' is, init,' i roll my eyes.

'i'm a youtuber,' he says.

'oh that's pretty cool,' i say, genuinely interested in what he does.

'yeah, tiring sometimes but yeah, it pays off,' he smiles.

'what's your channel called?' i ask him.

'oh no,' he laughs. 'it's called willne.'

'as in will and then the letters n e?' i ask and he nods. i type his name up in my youtube and his channel pops up. i see in one of his thumbnails is that imallexx fella i found the other day.

'you mates with imallexx?'i ask him.

'yeah, did you know he makes fifty grand a month?' he laughs and i follow suit.

'that's pretty cool, big following you've got, could only wish for that,' i laugh.

'what can i say, i'm just a cool guy,' he laughs. i subscribed to his channel and took a mental note to look at some of his videos when i got home.

we continued talking up until our train arrived and we parted ways.

'i'll text you,' he says and then goes the opposite direction to where i need to be.

can u tell i got lazy?

also i will get into good shit soon hush 

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