Chapter 1: New Student

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"Did you hear? There's a new student."

"I heard he's from Canada."

"Canada? Isn't that the maple loving country?"

"Yeah. I also heard it snows constantly there."

"Why would a Canadian move here?"

"I have no idea. No one has asked him."

"Why not?"

"No one wants to go near him and his dog."

"Wait, he has a dog?"

"Yeah, a pit bull."

"A pit bull? How did the school allow such a savage beast in?"

"He probably bribed the staff to allow it."

"That's disgusting."

I tapped my pencil against the desk as I looked over my notes. I wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything important. I didn't want to go home with confusing notes again. I looked up to see most of the students had left already, heading home or to some club. My fifth day at school had just ended and it was time to pack up. I felt my pocket vibrate and reach down to pull out my android. It was a text from May.

Hey Bubbles <3 I'm going to the store and won't be able to pick you up. Text Kayla when your ready and she'll come get you. If she tries to argue tell her she doesn't have a choice! >:[

I sent a quick text back saying that I will before I started to gather my things. I picked up my backpack and swung it over my shoulder. Funny how the backpack looked large against my petite figure. I grabbed the bright red leash connecting to Clair, my white, black spotted pit bull. She stood to attention and looked up at me as she waited for us to move. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and started walking. I decided to walk around the school again today to familiarize myself with the place. The building was very large, much larger than my old school, I had to get used to the place. Besides, no one would bother to help my find my way when I get lost. I'm not sure why, guess they all were too busy.

I looked down at the map I had in my hand to figure out which way I wanted to go. I felt a tug on the leash as Clair lead me to the side. I looked up to see a couple of male students walk around me with disgust and slight fear on their faces. I bowed slightly in apology before I looked ahead again. Good thing I had Clair, I would have ran into them without her. I would have been knocked over with me being 4' 9" (144.78 cm).

I came to a stop this time as I looked down at the map. There were many rooms and directions I could see. The question was, which way should I go this time. I bit my lip in thought before finally deciding and started walking with Clair by my side.


I looked up at the seventh large door before me today. The sign next to it read "Music Room #3". Were there really so many students that they need three music rooms. I didn't think so many students were interested in music.

I pushed the door open slowly and peeked my head in. Had to make sure no one was inside before I started wondering around. The room was fill with students, boys and girls alike, in groups. The girls would be surrounded around a boy or two, just talking or freaking out over something the boys did. This didn't look like a music room. It looked more like a cafe.

I felt Clair brush my thigh and I looked down at her. She was looking ahead and I turned to see someone standing in front of me. I didn't see him approach. My eyes quickly went to the tall blonde's lips.

"-have a new visitor!" The student said. "Come on in, don't be so shy."

I opened the door slightly more, but staid where I stood. The student's attention immediately went to Clair. His welcoming smile quickly turned to fear. The other male students began to gather, all looking at Clair and back at me. Seven male students total.

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