Chapter Two

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6:35 PM, 4514 Magnolia street, April 12, 2019

Ada was speechless. All she could get out was "WHAT???"

Emma nodded. "That's why I was hesitant to show her to you; you felt closer to her, because you're almost going to be dead, like her. You felt like you were burning, because that's how you're going to die. In 11 minutes, a car is going to smash into this car, and the two cars are going to explode on spot, with you in the midst." She put her head in her hands. "I hate this part of my job."
"Yeah, but now that I know that, I can just get off this car and go eat dinner and avoid all of this." Ada said, and jumped off the car.
"You can do that, but there are consequences for willingly interfering with the future." Emma said, sticking out her arm, blocking her from walking away. Ada reluctantly jumped back on the car.
"I'm going to set a timer for ten minutes and twenty seconds." Emma said, pushing a button on her watch. "Now. We treat BODA like a business. Everyone has a job, and every job is crucial to the proper functioning of the facility. In, um- recent events, we have lost several of our members. I know this sounds creepy, but I know everything about you and everything that happened in the last twelve years, and we really admire you."
Ada looked pleasantly surprised. "Me? Why?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, you. You should know why. As I was saying- we really admire you, and we want to recruit you."
"Yeah, but I thought I was going to have a job anyway."
"Yes, but if you are informed beforehand, we appoint you to a higher position; it's complicated. If you take this job and die when it is foreseen, your aunt and your mother will be able to visit you whenever they wish. But if you choose to live, then you and your family will not be able to see each other, even when they die. And I will tell you, there are perks to having a superior job."
Ada sighed. "I guess I'll just die and take the job," She laughed grimly. "I can't believe I'm saying that. What even is this 'superior job' you keep talking about?"
"Sorry. I can't reveal that until you've reached that point. We have our reasons."
"Okay. What is it like being dead and living in the- whatever you call it?" Ada asked.
"The afterlife. It's pretty nice, actually, you'll see when we get there. Emma slapped her forehead. "Oh, that reminds me!" She started rummaging in her bag again. "You have the option of getting a new body if you want." She pulled out a Vogue magazine. "There are many options." She handed her the magazine, but Ada pushed it away.
"I'm good. But, can I change it later if I want?"
"After 50 years, I think." She put the magazine back. "When I died, I turned back into my 60-year old self, but being timeless and immortal has affected my appearance."
"So, I'm going to need to capture your soul when you explode. If I don't, then you won't go anywhere."
"What do you mean, I won't go anywhere?"
"You'll go into nothing; you'll just disappear."
"Oh." Ada sighed. "That seems like a waste. How much time do I have left?"
Emma checked her watch again. "Eight minutes and forty five seconds."
"Okay. Good to know. Emma, what was your life like?"
"I honestly don't remember much; time does that to you. But I do remember names. I will remember any name I see. I can't really reveal the future because if I do, it will set off a chain of events that cannot be stopped."
Ada nodded. "By now, I've come to notice that I can't get much out of you. So other people see you?"
"No, they can't see me. Unless they're going to die in an hour or less, which the only other person who's going to in this neighborhood is the truck driver who's going to run into you. Bert Peckleman, and he loves John Lennon. He'll make a good driver in the afterlife."

"Great, so it just looks like I'm talking to the air!"

"It shouldn't matter: you're going to die soon anyway, no one's going to judge you when you're dead."

"Does it hurt? Dying, I mean." Ada adjusted her glasses.

"I mean, in your case, it's going to hurt. A lot. You're going to be burning. It's going to hurt. But you'll be out of your misery once you explode. But when you die of old age, it doesn't tend to hurt. For some complicated reason, it's really hard to remember."

"I'm really not looking forward to this. At all. Oh, by the way what are the clocks on your umbrella for?"

"Oh those! The clock is the logo for BODA. I think it suits it well."

"Oh cool! There are also some on your—" Ada started, but just then a truck with the license plate JONL4LIF came barreling down the road towards them, seven and a half minutes early.

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