Chapter 6

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~Peter's POV~

Amy started flying away but I quickly started to fly after her. She was headed to Dead Man's Peak where she always loved to go. I saw her land and I quickly landed behind her grabbing her from behind, making her squeal. I missed her so much I felt like I missed out on so much in her life and that she was keeping it from me. I spun her around and I can tell that she was trying to fly away but was struggling.

"Peter. Let go of me." she squealed.

"No. You're not going anywhere my little squirrle." I said kissing her cheek.

"Fine. Just put me down."

"Nope." I said walking over to the ledge. "We're going to sit down here until I say so." I said sitting down with her on my lap.

"Fine." she huffed.

I still had my arms around her waist while we were both looking out at Neverland. Amy had her head on my shoulder while our fingers we're intertwined together. It was peaceful and bliss until I saw a ship land down in the water from the sky.

"Peter. Look." Amy pointed to the ship.

"I know." I said getting up. "Go back to the camp and stay there. No matter what, stay there. Tell Felix to call all the lost boys back and I'll tell Tink to go there so she's with you, ok." I told her. She nodded her head. "Don't fly just appear there. I'll see you there after I take care of them, ok." she nodded her head again.

"Just be careful ok." I smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I will." she then hugged me by wrapping her arms around my neck and I did by wrapping mines around her waist. "I'll be fine, Amy." she then let go.

"Ok." she then looked at my face like it was the last time she was ever going to see me again.

"I'll be ok love." I said. "I'll meet you back at camp, I promise."

"Ok." she then dissappeared.

I then appeared at the beach where the boat was and saw two men walk out from a row boat.

~Amy's POV~

"Felix." I called and he came running towards me.

"Yes Amelia."

"Peter told me to tell you to call all of the lost boys."


"There was a boat that landed from the sky into the water."

"Ok. Just go inside the tent and wait till Peter comes back." he said.

I nodded my head and went into the tent me and Peter shared. I just paced back and forth thinking if Peter was ok or not. I know he can take care of himself it's just I don't want him to get hurt that's all, I care about him and I haven't seen him in years.

A few hours passed and Peter still hasn't come back. It was getting dark and I was worried sick. I was still in the tent waiting for Peter but everytime someone checked up on me or passed by I was always over whelmed thinking it was him. Where the hell was he? I then walked outside and saw few of the lost boys gathered around a fire. I looked for Peter but he wasn't anywhere to be found, I looked up and saw two pairs of familiar feet dangaling. I smiled and flew up, as I flew up I heard him talking to himself.

"Amy. I need to tell you something. No that wouldn't work."

"Amy. Can we talk. No that's not good either."

"Amy. There's something that I need to tell you. It's really important. I love you." once he said that I stopped and flew to the trunk of the tree so he couldn't see me. "I know that you think I love you as a friend but that's not true. I love you more than that, I love you more than that." I then coudn't think straight and fell down on the floor beneath me and made a big thud.

Crud. I scrambled my way to the other side so Peter couldn't see me, thankfully I made it time.

"Who's here?!" He screamed. Dang it.

"I will find you." I then heard him walk fast to the side I was hiding on. Dang it, I'm gonna be in so much trouble.

"Who-" he yelled and then stopped. "-was it?" once he saw me his voice started to soften.

I didn't know what to do so I vanished from where I was and appeared inside Tink's place. I saw her cooking something, I guess she didn't hear me.

"Tink." I say making her flinch then turn around.

"Oh Amy. I didn't hear you come up." she said looking at me worried.

I was still shaken up after what I happened a few minutes ago.

"Amy are you ok?" she asked and I shook my head. "What happend dear?" she asked and hurried over to me. I started to hypervenilate and she hugged me and I hugged back. "What happened? Sit. Tell me what happened." she sat me down on a chair and rubbed my back to calm me down.


"What about Peter? What did he do?"

"He-he-he did-didn-n-n't do an-any-anything." I tried to calm down but it wasn't working.

"Then what did he say."

"He-he-he lo-lov-loves m-me." I said making her shocked of what I said.

Tink and Peter know that no one not even my own family loves me or cares for me. I was always called the odd one and was always by myself. After I met Peter I was always happy to have someone that cared about me and that was willing to be there for me.

"He loves you." I nodded my head and she smiled at me. "Sweetie I know. He talks about you all the time."


"You've never been loved before I know. Being loved by someone may seem scary but it's not." she then looked to something behind me then back at me. "Do you love him?"

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