Chapter 6 ||i'm sorry

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B E T T Y     C O O P E R

          I woke up feeling really really relaxed. Then the memories came rushing back to me and I began to tear up. When I got up and brushed my teeth I smelled something very soothing. I went up to the kitchen and to my suprise Veronica was making breakfast.
          "GoodMorning sleepy head." She said to me.
There was the pole thing in the middle and when I came around it Jughead and Archie were sitting there. I had made direct eye contact with Jughead and ran back to my room.
          "Betty!!" He tried to catch me but I had already made it to my room and locked the door.
          "Please Betty." I heard a whimper in his voice and I cried.
           A couple seconds later "Betty it's me, Veronica, can I come in?"
          I opened the door slowly and grabbed V and slammed the door shut behind her.
         "Umm, me and Archie are gonna go out to back to the pool okay?"
          I looked at her a little angry because she wasn't letting me stay away from Jug. "Okay, But go through my back door." I pointed at it and she laughed. Once she closed it I locked it and plopped on my bed.
          A few minutes later I heard Archie and Veronica laughing and I smiled. "Must Be Nice" I thought in my head.
          "Betty, please I really want to talk right now." Jughead tried to twist the door open. "I know what you think and I promise it's not like that. I was just in shock, I promise I was. And I'm angry with myself because I let you get away so easily. But I'm not giving up so easily this time. If I have to I-" I opened the door.

________THIRD PERSON POV________

          They both stared at each other for just enough time to see the pain in each other's eyes.
          "Can I come in?"
          Betty got out the way and let him in. He sat down on the chair and she sat on the bed and wrapped her covers around her.
         "I want to start off by saying that I liked your kiss, and I hope you don't regret doing it. I really like you Betty I'm just confused because we haven't known each other for that long and I can't stop thinking about you."
          "Me too jug" Betty said in a low voice.
          "But I want to eventually be with you but right now think we should just takes things slow y'know."
She shook her head. "Your not very talkative."
          "Yea, I feel like if I say a lot then I will cry."
          "That's okay." Jughead got up and sat on the bed with her and put his arm around her shoulder. "I am here for you Betty and I want to spend every possible minute." Betty wrapped her arms around him and began to cry. "And I'm sorry to hear about how things are back at home, I'm sure that's really really really tough for you."
           "Yea, but I have Veronica and she helped a lot."
          "Well not tryna be the relationship destroyer or anything but I was serious when I said I wanted to be closer to you than Veronica." Betty laughed.
          "I honestly don't think that's gonna happen."
Jughead got sad. "I'm sorry, I'm just saying that no friendship could ever be like me and Veronica."
            Jughead chuckled "I know Betty, I know" he grabbed her chin and smiled.
           "You wanna go join them in the pool?" Betty said grabbing Jughead's face now.
             "Mhmm" he gave a really big smile.
             "Alright you can go out through that door, and I'll come right out okay?"
             "Mhmm" he winked at her and Betty rolled her eyes.

              Jughead was sitting in the sun with his sunglasses on but he still had his eyes closed.
Betty came outside and started putting her stuff down on the table but she kept looking at Jughead from the corner of her eye. Jughead opened his eyes and saw her but Betty didn't know he was looking.
           "Whatcha lookin at?" Jughead asked taking his sunglasses off with a smirk. Betty was so embarrassed that she dropped her stuff . "Hahaha Betty, it's okay, I know you can't resist my sexiness." Jughead sat up and watched the blonde finish her little set up. He stared in awe of the her daisy flower decorated one piece swim suit that hugged her real tight and had cut outs of the sides.   
              She took her Burberry{💁‍♀️boujee) sunglasses off her head and took her ponytail down, and let her  hair blow in the wind. Jughead thought she was the perfect angel, and suddenly he felt his pants tighten.
              "SHIT." Jughead whispered but Betty heard him.
              "What's wrong?" She turned around putting her sunscreen on.
"Nothing." He said nervously.
Betty saw he had a boner and chuckled."Hey Jughead, can you put my sunscreen on my back?"
Fück fück fück fück, he thought in his head. "Uhh, yea come sit down."
"But you can't get my full back if I sit down" Jughead got up and tried to make it go away but it wasn't leaving him alone.
Archie saw them and almost died but then he told Veronica and the two were just laughing at him. Then they looked at Betty who was laughing and she put her finger to her mouth and winked at them.
"Okay done!" He ran inside to the bathroom.
Archie, Betty and Veronica all started laughing, as Betty made her way to the pool. She didn't want to get in all the way so she just put her feet in.
"I'm going to go get a snack."Archie said to the two.
"Omg Betty you two are so goals." Veronica said swimming up to Betty.
"So are you and Archie you little sneak." Betty splashed water at her.
"Sorry I didn't tell you." Veronica said sitting on the side of the pool next to Betty.
"It's okay, but why didn't you guys tell us?"
"I don't know honestly, i was going to tell you but then you and jug... it wasn't the right time."
"I get it, but don't let my problems ever stop you from telling me something okay?"
"Okay Betty, But I don't think I could ever tell you something about me when you're sad."
"But you-"
"Would you tell me something if I was sad?"
"Exactly." They laughed and hugged.
"You and Jughead I really-"
"Hey ladies, we're back." Archie said as they walked back Jughead still stared at Betty but he could control himself now.
"We'll talk later." Veronica mouth to Betty, and Betty gave a thumbs up.



Hey Guys, this is actually quit shorter than other parts but I think 7 pages{average I believe} is a lot.
I also wanted to get a chapter out already like, ughh. Anywhoo hope you like this chapter and things are gonna be good for them rIghT nOw !!
I might spice things up a bit but no huge drama if so it'll probably only be like one chapter but that's just right now because like I said running out of inspo.
Alrighty, Thxs for reading and vote PLEASE.
Gimme some of that feed back too;)lol


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