Star Crossed Lovers

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Odds are stacked against us babe, but I don't give a damn.

I don't care what fate says, you and I were meant to be.

I love this song so damn much! 💗


One great thing about drinking, at least in Taehyung's case - he rarely remembers anything and that's a wonderful thing, it's totally-

Scratch that, he doesn't remember a damn thing and he's completely sure that he messed up real bad last night.

He trashed in his bed all night long and he woke up way before sunrise, there was a bottle of water and a painkiller next to his bed and Taehyung once again thanked the Heavens for having Namjoon as a friend. There was no doubt that his manager was the one who took him home and tried his best to change Taehyung's clothes, but it turns out that after the socks... Namjoon gave up and went home.

Ever since Taehyung woke up, he couldn't stop thinking about last night and he even banged his head against the table, while he was drinking a cup of tea, but he couldn't remember much after walking into the restaurant. He knows he ate well and he's sure he drank a lot, the splitting headache and upset stomach were the only hints he needed.

But something was troubling him. Jungkook... what happened with Jungkook?

I think he poured me a drink... or did he not? Gosh, I don't know...

Taehyung kept on mulling over what had happened, but since no memory paid him a visit, he decided to get dressed and just go to work. He texted Namjoon and told him that he would catch a taxi, so there's no need to pick him up.

But when Taehyung arrived, there was no one around. He thought it was weird, so he took out his phone with the might to call his manager and just then he noticed that it's barely 7 am. Filming was meant to start at 10 am today, so people were going to start arriving in two hours or so.

Taehyung wondered what to do now... should he go for a walk? Go back to his apartment? No, no point in that. Maybe he should find somewhere to lie down and get some more sleep? Nope, that wasn't an option either, there was no way he could fall asleep. Maybe he should do a rehearsal or something? Or maybe he should-

"Good morning."

Taehyung jumped at the voice, mostly because the newcomer spoke closely to his ear and when Taehyung turned around, he had to take a step back, because Jungkook was a way too close.


Taehyung managed to stutter out and took in the sight of a sleepy Jungkook, who was wearing a pair of black jeans and an oversized white long-sleeved shirt, strands of dark-brown, slightly wavy hair were in pretty much every direction and for a moment Taehyung wondered how it would feel if he ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair, simply and only to make it stay in place, no other reason. But the thought quickly disappeared when the director himself ruffled his hair and messed it up even more.

Taehyung let out a short laugh, but covered his mouth right after, because Jungkook looked at him.

"Does it look that terrible? My hair's always crazy in the morning."

Taehyung didn't trust his voice, so he just shook his head in response and the director seemed satisfied.

"Why are you here so early?"

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