Chapter 7⭐️

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" Taya, why is your room so messy."

I don't understand this thing about mothers. Why are they so concerned about our rooms being tidy. Even if I keep it clean I will never find the thing I need on time.

"Oh mom, its not messy. Its an obstacle course I designed to keep me fit." I said thinking it would definitely convince mom.

But her expressions said otherwise.

So taking the wisest decision of all, which I ended up doing always, I got up and complied.

"And yes, Sharna called a while ago."


"When you were sleeping, as always."

The best option was definitely ignoring it as dad wasn't at home. So there was literally no one who would save me.

I dialed Sharna's number while singing to myself. I have this weird habit of singing while waiting for the other person to respond. And she responded when my chorus had just begun.

"Hey bud, you called."

"I came across some important topics for the test tommorow."

"What test?"

"Taya we have our maths exam tommorow. Now don't tell me you didn't remember."

"Oh yeah ofcourse I remember"

She kept dictating these important topics while I had no idea what was it all about and most importantly when was the test scheduled. I now have to get a hold of my day dreaming sessions.

" Do you know Viorica and Samuel had a fight."

And that took all my attention. My mind as clueless as I am wavered from one topic to another. The test was long forgotten.

I felt a little bad for Viorica, and I do feel shameful but I admit I was happy too. She finally got what she deserved.

Karma as they all say.

After she disconnected the call, I pondered over the things that just happened.

Now will Viorica return to me? Will things ever be same as before?

Will I ever be able to accept her? Well, she left me when I needed her the most but then what will be the difference between me and her?

And if I don't forgive her how will my wounds heal. I think one needs to embrace forgiveness when it comes to friends. I can't hold onto my grudge against her for so long. 'Cause once my dad said, "Anger is like acid stored in a container, it harms the container more than the person it is thrown on."

So I decided I will let go of that anger.

I will be there for her when she needs me. But I don't think she will be my priority ever again.

After realising that I have again lost an hour in my day dreaming session I went straight to my study to mug up all the possible formulas in the time that was left.

And this is me. The most careless and irresponsible creature.

Hey guys!
This was indeed a long chapter.
So what do you think will Viorica come to Taya now? And even if she does will Taya forgive her?
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