Chapter 10⭐️

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Life was pretty much the same. It revolved around my parents, Vinn and Sharna.

Talking about Vinn I knew that I had started falling for him. Well who wouldn't. He was confident, extremely intelligent, hard working, ambitious, caring and funny. With his crazy jokes and corniest pick up lines many times he made me   almost die of laughter.

But I was afraid. Afraid that he wouldn't reciprocate my feelings. Afraid that maybe he will even stop talking to me after that.

I fought really hard with my emotions. I didn't want to loose a friend. I knew he didn't like me but deep down I had a feeling that I should give it a try. But how can I put my friendship at stake. I can't be so selfish.

Yes he cared for me, but maybe just as a friend. I didn't want to put any meaning to it.

Also I was afraid of rejection. What if he rejects me? What am I supposed to do after that? How will I ever face him?

Rejection hurts. It brings on an onslaught of tears, heartache and self loathing. And than we begin to ask ourselves, "Why doesn't he love me? Am I not lovable." But we can't force them to love us. Love can never be forced, it just happens.

Maybe unrequited love is better. It is pure, no ego, no fights, no insecurities and only love.

I just wanted him to be happy. I wanted him to share every little thing with me. I wanted him to trust me. I wanted him to feel that he has me and can always rely on me. I wanted him to smile.

But deep inside I wanted to be the reason he smiles. I still do.

I had started noticing intricate details which I didn't before. The curve of his lips, the frown lines above his eyebrows when he laughed heartily, his dimples. How his ears turned red whenever he laughed.

I wanted  to know him more, everything he loved. He loved minced cottage cheese, his favourite colour was red, black current was his favourite icecream, he loved Starbucks coffee more than CCD. Always preffered Dominoes over McDonalds. So dearly wanted to join army and serve his nation, was a true patriot. Loved his dog Casper more than anyone else. Also he always said that he hates his younger sister but in reality he even took beatings just to save her. He loved her the most but never expressed it.

Unlike me he was a patient man, would listen to things carefully and not act on impulses. I wanted to know more of him. I wanted him to share his dreams with me. But never had enough guts to say it to him.

What I felt for him was different and very intense. I had never felt such things for anyone before. These feelings were alien to me. I had no idea how to react.

I used to spend hours dreaming about him, because atleast in my dreams he was mine. I wanted to listen to his ideologies. I know I was very immature in front of him but I wanted to ascend to his level of thinking just to understand him better. I tried hard but could never give up on my silly habits.

I started getting distant and my best friend noticed the change.

"Taya, what happened? Is everything fine."

I was acknowledging the after effects of the situation. But I couldn't really hide anything from Sharna. She could read me like an open book.

So I told her about my feelings for Vinn.

She thought for a moment and said,

"So this is what's disturbing my little Taya from past few days. Confess it to him. As far as I understand these things, I think the feeling is mutual."

The most scariest part of being in love is definitely declaration. One can either free their soul and spill or can die in the torment to salvage whatever relationship they have. And here I was freaking out.

I was going to confess my feelings to Vinn.

Oh god! Please help me.

Hey guys!
So what do you think will Taya be able to confess her feelings?
Or as always she will freak out and run away?
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