Years later

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Bella POV

It has been 10 years since the wedding and Aro and I are great. Jane and Victoria are wonderful they just returned from their honeymoon when the throne room doors burst open with such force and in ran Emmett Cullen and all of the sudden I feel this strong pull towards him I run at Marcus and grab his hand Emmett is my mate too.

Oh god I run at em and kiss him when we're done I grab aros hand and show him what Marcus saw and he nodded sadly "em what are you doing here," I ask

"the Cullen's their mad at you guys for killing Edward you might not have known this but they were going to take over the Voltori when you were changed Bella, their evil I know what Edward did to you and I know your reasons I didn't know about them trying to take Volterra until two days ago when I finished hunting early so I ran home and found them talking about it they still didn't notice I was there so I ran to the airport and got on a plane." He explained.

Really fuck my life can never be normal can it?

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