Chapter 1: Fitz Visits

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Alrighty, let's botch this entire book and this chapter definitely needs editing.


You knew for a fact that the car would have been able to fit all of you, but you cousin forced you to stay back at the Misfits house after you made fun of his height. You were two inches taller than Swagger, and you wouldn't let him forget it. They left very early in the morning... without you.

     You regretted making fun of him that time. You weren't able to go with them to pick up Cam from the airport, and you were too excited to occupy yourself with something.

     You pulled out your phone and decided to text Swagger. It was a simple message that accurately summarized your opinion on your punishment.


Swagger Bitch:
Your beloved Cameron says hello!

     You glared at your phone and tossed it onto your bed. Your punishment made you feel grumpy, but your consequences of never going to bed started to catch up to you. Before you knew it, you began to drift off into a cozy sleep.


The sound of multiple men clamoring into the house had you awake in an instant. The call of your name reminded you of what was happening, and you flew out of bed.

     You still felt so groggy, you slammed into the door before your could grab the doorknob. "Fuck!" You shouted and you scrambled to open the door, not bothering to stop leaning on it.

     You promptly fell out of your room, hitting the carpeted floor with a thump. It didn't stop you, though. You got right back on your feet and ran down the hallway.

     Your housemates laughed as you skidded to a stop at the stop of the stairs, and to made eye contact with Cam with a grin. He returned the smile and your heart skipped a beat.

     "There's the bitch!" Swagger insulted you playfully.

     You didn't bother to reply as you soared down the stairs, skipping a few steps at a time. You weren't ashamed of your obvious excitement.

     The tall man held his arms out for a hug and also because he knew you were going to fall somehow. Just like he expected, you tripped on the third-to-last step, and he caught you smoothly.

     As if it was an instinct, you wrapped your arms and legs around and squeezed, and rested your chin on his shoulder. "Took you long enough, skyscraper."

     "I wasn't the one driving so fucking slow," Cam replied casually, still not putting you down.

     You looked up to see Matt holding a camera, recording the whole moment. You didn't care one bit; the (Y/S/N) fans were going to go wild and you loved it.

     "I'm not surprised," you didn't know who drove, but you were happy Cam was there anyway. "Now what?"

     As you all threw out some ideas, you reluctantly wiggled out of Cam's odd embrace. You knew he wouldn't be able to hold you there forever, and you didn't want his arms to get sore. You weren't that much shorter than him, but you still had to look up at him. He briefly smiled back at you before you both paid attention to what the others are saying.

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