Chapter 9

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Twilight how could you be so stupid! With that look Nightmare Moon was staring at her, she could have turned a basilisk into stone! "Queen Nightmare Moon, ... did I say ... anything ... wrong?" Twilight asked very careful, forcing an uncertain smile on her face.

"GUARDS!" Nightmare Moon screamed in response.

Two of her Bat Pony Guards ran up. But even before their guards even entered the Throne room, the Queen screamed, "BRING ME TWILIGHT SPARKLE!"

A princess and a dragon come into her castle and the princess introduces herself as Twilight Sparkle, the sister of rebellion leader Shining Armor ... which she threw herself in her dungeon not even a month ago!!! That sounded like the poente of a bad joke, Nightmare Moon thought dumbfounded.

And yet her instincts say, that there has to be more to it. Because this Princess and Twilight Sparkle look weirdly similar. She had to get to the bottom of it. "Why did you call yourself that, Princess?" asked Nightmare Moon.

Spike took the initiative. "It seems to me a big misunderstanding..." "QUIET, DRAGON, I talked to the Princess!"

Heavy clunking footsteps became louder behind the queen.

"I'll find out who you really are! And I can guarantee you one thing: You are not Twilight Sparkle! Because she is Twilight ... Sparkle?!?"

Nobody said anything

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Nobody said anything. Nightmare Moon looks confused from one pony to another. Twilight looked speechless at the other pony. No doubt! That was her who lay there dirty in chains. With the difference that this Twilight had no wings. "Okay, I'm tired of those lazy tricks. You two will tell me now what's going on here!" Threatened the Queen. "No, you'll tell me what's going on here!" came abruptly in response from the other Twilight. "Why do I see myself over there?! Have you mirrored me to fool my brother or just for your own amusement you miserable monster!" "Unfortunately, just for my own amusement, because it's so much fun to have two identical annoying ponies that can not shut up!" Nightmare Moon replied surprisingly sarcastically. "Take her back to the dungeon. I've heard enough!"

As the two guards dragged the second twilight away, the Queen build up in front of Twilight and Spike, who watched everything silently.

"My patience is hereby finished! You have 10 seconds!"

"We are time travelers." Came quickly in response from Twilight.

Nightmare Moon leaned over Twilight contentedly. She had her right where she wanted her.


"Alternative timeline."

"How could you travel through time?"

"A magical scroll."

"I want to see it!"

"It was sucked into the time portal."

"The magic map in Ponyville?"

"Just provided the energy for the spell."

"Did you made the spell?"

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