Chapter 19

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"What in Celestia's name happened, Twilight? I heard fighting outside the palace and you were nowhere to be found!" Spike exclaimed.

"Thanks for looking after me, Spike. I was also worried that the Sun Warriors would storm into the palace and do something to you. And Master sent me to Ponyville to "safety," as she said, but in Ponyville there were 20 of them and Shining Armor!" "Shining Armor?" Spike repeated questioningly. "Did you catch him?"

"Not directly. But he could not bear to see his sister on Nightmare Moon's side and collapsed." Twilight said dejectedly. "What's up, Twilight, that's good, so nobody can harm us anymore ... for the time being." "That's not it, Spike. I feel like a monster in this armor."

"Twilight, you had to do that, even if it does not make it any better!" tried Spike to comfort her. "But to make sure we can undo everything, we have to go on. And then all this never happened." " ... then it never happened ... Do you think this is just behind us, even if the harmony should be back, I can still do that spell and everything else she taught me. I wonder if something like this can ever really be over?"

Spike didn't know the answer. He had only intended to return and everything will be as before. But he had never thought of how Twilight would handle it, since she has to endure far more than him. "I don't know it either. But at least we have to try it. Maybe not for us but for the rest of Equestria and for all the others who suffer under Nightmare Moon." Twilight said nothing, just staring thoughtfully at the floor." You're right, Spike, let's just fix this."

Twilight threw himself exhausted on the bed. She just did not have the strength for further discussion with Spike. The only question Twilight asks is if she really can do something for it that she betrayed her own brother. If he is her brother at all. Why does time travel make things so complicated?

She was about to fall asleep when someone knocked on the door. Reluctantly, Twilight got up and opened it, just to see a servant in a dress for her.

"Is not that a little early for a victory gala?" She replied sarcastically, The servant shrugged. "We told her Majesty as well, but the gala to honor your victory will begin in a few hours."

Really now?!? Thought Twilight, tooked the servant's dress off and slammed the door.

"What's going on?" Spike asked. "Get ready, the gala in my honor will be in a few hours." Twilight replied, aghast, and threw herself on the bed again.

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