Chapter 15

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Twilight and Spike silently followed the queen's request, who led them to an empty wall in the throne room. A spell later a secret door opened, revealing what appeared to be Nightmare Moon's trophy chamber. The two followed the queen through her secret chamber. Many podiums were placed in the room on which all kinds of magic artifacts were displayed and the Duo even recognized some.

Is that Trixie's unicorn amulet and this the book for the manifestation of inspiration?" Spike asked pointing to the objects

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Is that Trixie's unicorn amulet and this the book for the manifestation of inspiration?" Spike asked pointing to the objects. "How do you know about these magic objects?" wondered Nightmare Moon. "This amulet was confiscated by an antique merchant and this obsessed book was found here in the palace during reconstruction. These objects are too dangerous for normal ponies."

"Look, Spike, there's more," said Twilight surprised, pointing to the broken mirror, the portal the that led into the human world. "Did you destroy the portal?" asked Twilight.

"We will certainly do a lot together, my student. But playing with the fabric of the universe won't be one of them," said The queen in a final tone.

Nightmare Moon waved off. "But maybe you two are interested to see my most important artifacts?" She stopped and pointed to a pedestal on which rested a golden statue and a scepter with a blood-red gemstone.

Over there is the Idol of Boreas with whom I could unite the griffins as their leader. And there the Bloodstone sceptre of the dragons. When the dragon lord resigned last week, I gave myself the form of a dragon and won the Gauntlet of fire for the throne. You had to see their faces when the dragons found out who just became the new dragon lord." Nightmare Moon chuckled "Now we know why you were in such a hurry the moment when Spike started to glow so strangely." said Twilight. "Yes, it was an exciting week for us all. This way you Two. "Nightmare Moon led the Duo into the next room.

"Here are my trophies of my defeated enemies. Astonished in awe of your Queen, who never shied away from battle, even when.... "BY THE PONIES OF EQUESTRIA!" The queen turned around in surprise and looked into the frightened faces of Twilight and Spike, who saw it a little differently with her "trophies."

"Is that discord?" Spike asked in shock as he pointed to a pedestal holding the stone head of the draconequus. "Queen Chrysalis ... or what's left of her..." Twilight pointed to the wall where her wings hung.

"Hmm. I think there might be an explanation needed" estimated the Queen. " Oh Really?!?" replied Spike sarcastically, catching a grim look from Nightmare Moon.

"Yes really! And on your part, because I can not understand why it's so bad for you! Discord was too dangerous and Chrysalis attacked the wrong prey. Same goes for Sombra, Tirek and the Storm King over there. I think his name was Bob or Basil or something!" She pointed to a silver crown, a gold pendant, and a wooden stick with an inserted white crystal.

"Did you have tea parties with these awful creatures or am I getting it wrong?" Twilight and Spike looked at each other. "Only with Discord ..." said Twilight hesitant. Nightmare Moon looked at Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

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