(4) Frederat: War

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  • Dedicated to Some dude who likes me...

        I stare at them. My dead companions. Their craft landed, suicided into our planet and our inhabitants. They will pay...

        We went on their craft, to make contact. They attacked, with force. We repelled, and they crashed to rid of the hundreds on board. They will pay...

        My next in kin, my companions, my soldiers....they are colder than the ship itself. They have not wanted to make any form of peace with us. The hundred's names will be remembered....avenged....they will pay....because for now....this means....


(Sorry for such a short chapter....I am thinking of what is coming next, and plus there will be a few ones of these. I will not spoil the reason to this chapter and the following ones like this....but it helps give a little backstory to what happens in the book and the reasons to the events. Also I was a bit too lazy to publish the longer and next part for Anna, but....meh....can't blame me...I'm a busy guy....with many things to do to myself......................................not like that................TwistedTale82)

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