May 1st

764 18 5

It was a saturday afternoon I had just finished editing the hole diggers video, when suddenly there was a knock at the door. I couldn't see who it was so I jumped up out of my seat and peered around the door. Nobody was there? I stepped out of my door and walked to the common room to see if anyone was there. No one. Where were they all? It's only 1pm everyone should still be here. I stepped into Simons room, even he wasn't there. Did they forget to ask me to go out or are they all avoiding me?

All walked down the corridor sneaking into everyone's rooms to see if they were there. Still no one 'uhh!' I let out a huge sigh.i saw the weeping angel at the end of the corridor, not even that could cheer me up.

I couldn't give any solutions to this big problem I had, all the phones were off I couldn't get in contact with any of them.

Was today a special day? Brainstorming up and down the corridor it hit me. That was it. How stupid could I have been to forget about it. This day changed my life forever and I forgot about it.

I ran out to the shop to buy a card and flowers, then to pick up the reserved ring. By the time I got back to yogtowers everyone was in their rooms, but the room we never use, the light was on. I ignored that I ran straight to the owls. I knocked on Hannah's door but there was no answer. She was no where to be seen. 'Lewis!' This voice startled me. 'We need to do more planning for hole diggers' the dwarf struck again .'Not right now Simon, but on another note have you seen Hannah?' 'No why? Is she missing?' 'No I was just wondering' I couldn't let simon know I forgot this day. I sprinted upstairs to the only light source. The room never gets used apart from being storage. I heard a voice 'Lalna your not helping here just go!' I hid in an unlit room as Duncan stormed out of this room.

I snuck up to this door and peered round, in the room was Hannah, she looked upset. I thought to myself for awhile. I laid petals from a floor leading to my office. I asked Sjin to knock on the door while I got ready. Would it all fall into place? I heard Sjin knock, I quickly turned off all my lights and hid in the corner.

A few moments later Hannah charged into my room demanding what I wanted. 'Lewis I'm not in the mood so say what you have to say now!' I jumped up and hugged hannah from behind, as she turned round I made sure to plant a kiss directly on her nose, that always makes her happy. 'Lewis what do you want?' 'I know you might think I had forgotten, but Hannah. Rutherford, I love you!' Her eyes shined brighter then the stars could ever, I leaned towards her, and sparks instantly lit. After a few moments she pulled away. 'I love you too Lewis, but it's our 5 year anniversary I thought you might have done something special.' She look at me in disgust. 'But Hannah I'm not finished' I reached down into my pocket. 'Hannah May 1st changed my life forever, all my dreams came true.' I began to sweat in the palms of my hands 'To repay you for everything you have done for me Hannah.' I stepped back and lent down on one knee 'I love you with all my heart and I never want to be without you, become my Hannah Brindley and marry me?' You could hear a pin drop in the silence that covered the room. My heart kept beating faster and faster. Tears filled Hannah's eyes. My eyes closed while I waited for her answer, but the soft, moist and sweet lips of hers perfectly connected with mine, kisses went by as my hands got tangled in her beautiful golden locks. She grabbed both of my hands before backing out and whispering in my ear. 'Lewis Brindley don't ever leave me. I love you dearly, my answer is yes!' My heart filled with joy I swooped her off her feet and spun around with happiness. This day has been conquered.

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