All of me - Smiffy + Kim

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It was a late night in the office for Kim, editing cornerstone and Nanosvillage took a lot of time! She switched to her other screen and opened up Skype, she typed in Duncan's Skype name and started the call, but when the call was accepted it wasn't Duncan? It was Smiffy, Kim apologised and realised she typed the Skype name in wrong, but before she could end the call Smiffy begged for her to stay on to him.

Kim stayed and they started talking about work and other things, Smiffy got up from his chair without warning, and didn't come back but the Skype call was still on. Kim started to get worried. Suddenly she heard a door open in the office, but she was by herself in the office? She carefully got up from her chair and peaked out her office, yet no one was there! She stepped out her door and headed down the corridor peaking into everyone's office, all the lights were off but one! Kim couldn't tell which office it was, however she just headed back to her office to finish off and go home. The Skype call was still on but it was a black screen with writing on 'head to my office' Kim thought to herself, before heading out her office towards the room of hat films.

She locked her office and headed towards hat films office. This was the office with the light one! She could hear something but couldn't quite make out what it was. As she grew closer to the office she began to hear someone sing.
'What would I do without your smart mouth'
Kim recognised the voice instantly it was Smiffy
'You've got my head spinning no kidding, I can't pin you down'
Kim noticed the door was wide open but...
'What's going on in that beautiful mind'
The light from the room, was from candles, illuminating Kim's face. Smiffy continued to sing, and as Kim walked in the room he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the middle of the room. He placed her hand on his shoulder, then carefully moved his hands to her waist.
'Cause all of me, loves all of you, loves your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections'
Kim was confused but loved the feeling this gave her, her heart was racing as they began to sway side to side. Smiffy never missed a note while dancing he sang to Kim.
'And you give me all of you ohh'
The song ended. Kim's head was rested of Smiffys chest. He lifted her up and carried her out of the room 'Smiffy where are we going now?' Kim questioned Smiffy, but he kept quiet. He carried her back to her office ,which was transformed by the rest of the hat boys, to be covered in flowers and candles. He placed Kim down, he rested his palms of Kim's cheeks, thoughts rushed through his mind, 'what if she ran off and hated me' 'what would I do!' He began to move toward her until sparks appeared as he locked lips with Kim, after minutes which felt like forever, the lock was broken 'Kim I didn't know how else to win over, because I know you like Duncan, but I love you!' Smiffys palms began to sweat after Kim didn't answer, he began to shake waiting for the dreaded refusal. 'Don't be such a idiot Smith! I've never loved Duncan we're just friends!' Kim reached up and pecked Smiths cheek and whispered 'I love you!'

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