Why Do Everyone Hate Pandora?

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"She's insane!"

"She's evil!"

"She's a murderer!"

"She's ugly!"

"She's a monster!"

"A monster.."

Pandora never was loved. At least not anymore. Every since ERROR Macabre had "killed" her. She never felt the same or behaved the same. Once again, the bullying began.

"Hey! Do yourself a favor, and CRAWL BACK TO HELL WHERE YOU CAME FROM!" rocks and other junk was thrown at her, but she showed no sign as if she was sad, hurt, or angry. Instead she kept all those feelings inside her rotting core, just like how she kept her dead body there. As the rocks were still being thrown at her, she popped out her demon wings to block the rocks and other junk remains.

Once in the woods, Pandora was finally alone. She sighs in relief. As Pandora sat on a log and stared at the lake, she looks at her reflection. Soon enough, her sadness turned into hatred towards herself and those who mistreated her and treated her as a monster. A monster. Her ears flattens, as her reflection was coming clear to reveal her true form; a nightmare.

Nobody loves you

We hate you

You deserve to die and rot in hell

We know what you done

You're an insane monster!


"Pandora?" a feminine voice called out for Pandora, she shook her head as soon as the whispers in her head disappears. She began to hide as a female bear with a black bow on her head, brown hair with purple highlights, a gamer shirt, and blue glasses. It was none other than Abbey arcadia. "Pandy? Where are you? I need to talk to you!" abbey continue to call out as she looked around the area she was in, giving Pandora enough time to leave quickly. Pandora ran out of her hiding place as she spreads her demon wings and flew off quick. "PANDORA, WAIT COME BACK!"

T. B. C.
(To Be Continued)

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