Why Does Everyone Hates Pandora? (Pt.2)

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The panda girl flies as far away from her step-sister as she can. Although, she didn't know someone was following her. Pandora lands somewhere in the dark parts of the woods, pants for air. She sits in the dry dying grass, not noticing or seem to care how uncomfortable it felt.

Pandora sighs in relief, now she was away from the town and from everyone else she smiles to herself. But she really wasn't alone. "I always knew you'd kept running from your fears." the familiar male voice purrs, Pandora's ears flattens as she remembers that voice. No. It can't be. He was dead! He had to be dead!

A golden green cat, with ginger hair, red glowing eyes, and had a purple attire shirt that he had always worn except something was off about him. His paws were black, his razor sharp claws were visible, and.. He looked even more broken than before, he had a small mask over one of the side of his face, and his teeth was sharp but his fangs were sharper. It was none other than ERROR. The one who made her into a monster that everyone hates. The one.. Who killed her at a very young age.

Pandora backs up in fear, her whole mechanical body trembles as he chuckles darkly. "Aww, what's wrong?~" "G-get away from me!!" she shouts in fear and anger, she didn't know how he kept coming back from the dead, but she didn't care. All she had in her mind was to get away from her killer as soon as possible.

"Get away dammit!!" ERROR only walks closer to her, smirking darkly as his fangs shown out. "But why?~ I thought we were friends?~" he says as Pandora glares. "Friend?! Is that what you call me?! NO! I'm not your friend! What have you done for me, beside the pain and suffering?! Nothing!" she shouts at the golden green cat, she seemed to forgot her fear and only focused her anger towards him.

"YOU FUCKING KILLED ME! MADE MY FRIENDS, MY FAMILY, AND EVERYONE IN TOWN HATE ME! You made me into a monster! A monster!" the panda's hot oil tears streams down to her metal pink cheeks, however, ERROR showed no guilt, no care, only nothing but satisfactory.

The broken cat only laughs, "me? Oh mary, killing children was YOUR doing~ I didn't make you~" Pandora stares at him with hatred, she wanted to get away from him but she also wanted to make him suffer. How dare he show no guilt for what he he had effected her life? How dare he say it was her doing when it really was him? How can he even stand there, and try to ruin her life even more than it is?

Reading her thought, he laughs a bit more. "Aww.. Don't be like that.. I really missed you...~" ERROR said in his creepy tone that always scared her a little, yeah.. He missed her.. Missed watching her suffer..
"What do you want from me?!" Pandora yells in annoyance and fear. "Funny how you should ask, mary-" the golden broken green cat says as he took off the small mask to reveal something gruesome that caused her to almost scream. "Remember this? Huh? Slipped your mind maybe?"

The other half of his face that was hidden by the small mask, had look like been sliced off by something very sharp also revealing half of his shadow corpse. Even though it was damn years ago, it looked like he barely died for the first time and had caused the shadow corpse to look almost a year old. But that wasn't the only thing she saw, she saw that his other eye barely looked right it was almost bulging, and his eye pupil was small and slit. And it seem to appear he had no wink of sleep. It seemed.

Pandora only stutters in complete shock staring up at his face. "H-how-... W-... What Happened to you? I didn't even do that!" "Well you did. In your dreams, remember? You seem to be happy to see ME suffering. Heh. Like you always did."

Pandora recalled having a nightmare, or dream that she had got back at him, got back at him for revenge. She also recalled familiar bright eyes, watching every single thing that was happening. Even though it was a dream- or rather her nightmares.

"But how-" ERROR interrupts the panda from talking any further. "You see, every time I die I first come back to dreams. It was your dream that I appeared into. Didn't expect you'd react by attacking me." he laughs more watching his victim ever so confused in her life.

ERROR has been alive? Since when they try to kill him after all these years? They had wasted their time to keep him from anymore harm that he caused to citizens.. And Pandora?

"Yeah, it's like they all say; "karma always find you." ERROR said in a smirk. He was karma. While Pandora and whoever he wanted to eliminate was the prey. His prey.

Pandora yells as she step back. "Stay away from me! STAY AWAY!" ERROR once again; disobey her wishes and came slowly to her, teasing her, scaring her. The panda whimpers quietly, her back hitting the tree that was behind her as ERROR steps closer. "Fun fact about me; I love seeing people.. Like you.. Smile.. Painfully.." her eye widens, she tries to flee again but the broken cat was too quick and kicks her down into the dead grass as she yelps.

Pandora turns to try to run again but he held her down roughly, shoves her head into the dead grass as she screams. "NO! LET ME GO! PLEASE!" she pleads in fear, but he only chuckles. "What happened to that brave spirit from earlier? From years ago?~" Pandora struggles to get free and whimpers a bit louder. She didn't want to experience the pain from the same person again. She didn't want to die into the hands of ERROR.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE!" ERROR laughs a bit as he coos. "Don't cry~ just smile like you've always did when you're suffering in the outside-" "N-NO!" "In ThE InSiDe~" the panda screams in terror and pain, he was carving a smile from her metal pink cheeks hard, roughly and slowly, she whimpers as her face began to bleed oil blood.

ERROR laughs sadistic, enjoying his victim in miserable pain. "WhY BoThEr PlEaDiNg FoR YoUr LiFe AgAiN WhEn YoU CaN Be FrEe?~ FrEe FrOm ThE PaIn, FrEe FrOm InSaNiTy, FrEe FrOm EvErYoNe ThAt EvER MiStReAtEd YoU~" he purrs with a twisted grin that seem to be plastered upon his face. Pandora had a painful smile that was carved and forced on her face, oil tears fall looking at her killer in terror with her only eye.

He was right though, she can be free. Free from everything. Free from everyone. Free from herself. Pandora sobs openly in defeat, not even caring if she dies again by her killer. ERROR, smirks in victory. Knowing that she had given up. She had given up her life to the hands of him. "Do it.. Please.. I.. Don't care anymore! KILL ME! I WANT TO DIE ALREADY! Please.. End me.. End my suffering.. Please.." she begs to ERROR, as he began to morph into something more into a monster that he always was.

ERROR laughs and glitches quietly to himself in delight, grabbing her metal neck harshly by his bigger monster claws. "With pleasure.. Pandora Fazbear..~"

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