Mary's First Kiss.. And First Love..

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"MaryBelle!" a purple cat with a southern accent was chasing after a 10 year old human girl; Mary. She giggles as she runs faster away from her friend. "You gotta catch me first bucky!~" she says teasingly as the purple cat pants from running.

He finally catched up and tackles her down and Mary yelps. They both rolled down the grassy hill, soon they finally stop as they laugh. Mary looks up at the purple cat and realized he was pinning her down, they both blushed as they made eye contact.

"GET OFF ME DORK!" mary screams in embarrassment and sits up as she pushed him off. The purple cat laughed at her red cheeks. "Aw, now you're all blushing!" he says with a smirk.

"Shut up, Buck." she pouted
Buck chuckles and nuzzles her gently, mary blushes more. The human girl pets her friend behind the ear as he purrs, she giggles.

The purple cat looks at Mary with his green eyes, she stares back at him with her hazel brown eyes they stared at each other and didn't realized that the sun was setting.

"Mary..?" Buck whispers softly, "yeah..?" she felt him hold her close. "Can I... Be your first kiss..?" this question caught mary off-guard. "Huh??"

It was finally night as the sun sets, "please..?" Buck asks. Mary on the other hand was a blushing mess. She honestly didn't want to admit it, but she liked him for a long time since they met. "Fuck it." She says, she pulls his shirt and kisses him softly, catching him off-guard.

The kiss was a bliss to the young kids..

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