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When you get home from school, you are greeted by the foreign image of what used to be your house. The living room almost perfectly clean and boxes filled with your stuff in the corner. You enter inside the house and close the door with a metallic clink. You walk into the house and you hear your mother's voice sound throughout the abiotic living room.

"Hey! I know you just got home, but some potential buyers are coming to check out the house, so we're gonna have to get out for a bit."

You release a sigh of tiredness.

"Okay, where are we gonna go?"

Your mother doesn't hear you so you repeat the question. Still no answer. You feel your broken shoe soles bend under you and you almost trip. You step inside the marble kitchen and look at the repainted wooden trimmings. Your mother looks at you.

"I'm going to go pick up some wine and go to a friend's house. But the thing is, it's an adult party, so you're gonna have to go somewhere else. Do you have anywhere to go for just a few hours?"

You ponder this for a moment and respond that you can go to a friend's house. Your mom eventually leaves and the buyers are most likely almost here, so you decide to head out. You walk out to your car, a classic Delorean and climb inside. You turn the keys in the ignition and the car jumps to life. You begin backing up into the street. As the car rolls into the neighborhood and as you begin to pull up in front of your friend's house, a dreadful thought comes to mind. They told you they were going on a trip yesterday. You go up to the door anyways. 20 seconds pass after you knock and you leave. You decide to go over to your other friend's house. You almost turn the corner into his street, but it's blocked by traffic cones and construction vehicles. You park momentarily and reach for your phone, but it feels different. You pull it from your pocket and see that it's a Texas Instruments calculator. You sit in your car for a moment as you wonder how a day could have gone so wrong. You pull back into your neighborhood and see a dark blue minivan parked in front of your house. It was hard enough getting someone interested in the house, so interrupting their tour wasn't a great idea. You look at the time and realize that you have a bit of time to spare still. You start up your car and begin driving to the movie theater. You arrive in the parking lot and find a spot that's not too far from the theater. You walk out and up to the ticket booth. You get a ticket for The Conjuring 27 and find a nice seat in the darkroom. The movie is almost halfway through and someone walks in and sits next to you. She has dark hair and is wearing a black jacket. She turns her head and looks at you with big dark eyes.

"H-hey, do y-you like th-th-this movie?"

Her voice has a low pitch and sounds as if it would be very smooth if the stuttering wasn't present.

"Well, sure I guess, but in my opinion they should've stopped by the conjuring 24."

She makes an almost squeak sound in agreement.

"A-are you going t-t-to see that new s-sonic movie?"

She looks up at you with her sparkling eyes.

"Well, I think that Hollywood is just making another bad movie that featured a classic character to get older fans involved in a money-making scam - of course I'm going to see it!"

She makes an exited sounding outwards breath.

"D-do you by any ch-chance w-want to see it w-with me?"

She half covers up her face with her sleeve in fear of rejection. You make a small sigh as you realize the situation. You try to decline her offer politely.

"Sorry, but, I don't think I can..."

Her dark eyes fill with tears and she covers her face with her sleeves.

"It's okay, I d-didn't think so anyway."

She leaves as she wipes her face with her sleeve. The whole experience leaves you a bit uncomfortable for the rest of the movie. The movie finally ends when the exorcist kills the demon for the 27th time and you walk out into the cold moonlit parking lot. You can think of one other person's house. You debate whether you should go or not, considering it would be a last resort. You decide to at least scope it out. You arrive in the run-down neighborhood and look at the house. Its windows are either covered or shattered. Its paint is chipped and cracking. Some tiles from the roof are missing. All of the grass has been long dead. The sound of a shotgun echoes throughout the street and you make the wise decision to speed away. You find a nice spot by a lake where nobody would be. You recline the seat all the way back. The seats were quite comfy, so you decided to just sleep in your car. Just as you begin to drift off into slumber, you hear a knock on your window. You jerk up while having a minor heart attack. You look at the window and are greeted with a raccoon face. The raccoon scampers away and you notice that there's someone standing by the side of the lake. You let your eyes dilate and you see that the figure has light pastel pink hair. Could it be? You step out of the car and the door makes a slamming noise. The person hears this and jumps at the sound. You clear your throat.

"Sayori? Is that you?"

She gasps in excitement and runs over to you in a bounce/run

"Y/N! I haven't seen you in forever! What are you doing out here!?"

You look back at your car with the pillow and fully reclined seat.

"I was, uh, not much. Just stopped by the lake. Y'know, actually what are you doing here?"

Sayori dodges the question and looks at your car when you did.

"Are you... sleeping in your car?"

"Uh, no?"

"You should have told me you needed somewhere! You're always welcome at my house! Oh it'll be so much fun! It'll be just like old times when we used to hang out all the time!"

At this point, you give up. After being friends with her for so long you know that once she gets excited about something there's no fighting against it.

"Fine. I'll go to your house."

Sayori goes into a fit of happiness. Well, at least now you have somewhere to sleep.

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