XIII. Shit

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        I stuff a scoop of Cookies n' Cream ice cream into my mouth as I watch my show intensely. I've only discovered it yesterday, but I'm already on season two after twenty-two hour-long episodes of season one. I think I'm actually losing brain cells the more I spend my time watching instead of actually mingling.

        As I close the ice cream tub, my doorbell rings. I'm only wearing boxers under my robe and I probably have ice cream smothered on my face. Not really an ideal sight, if you ask me. I put the tub back in the freezer and wipe my face with my robe sleeve before walking over to the front door and opening it.

        The second the door is opened, I see Jonah there, not in his police uniform but instead in something casual. My eyes stretch a bit, but I'm pleased with what I see. He has a nice taste. I look up, meet his eye, smile, and say, "Well, hello stranger!"

        He smiles back at me, albeit nervously. He's twiddling his thumbs which isn't something he normally does when we meet up. He actually looks really adorable.

        "Hey." He greets back. Okay, although I'm pleased Jonah is at my doorstep smiling at me and smelling delicious, it's nearing ten o'clock at night. I wasn't expecting a booty call so late but, when did booty calls ever have limits?

        I look up and down at his attire again, still incredibly satisfied to find Jonah looking more human. Don't get me wrong, Jonah really is a down-to-earth guy and an overall nice guy to befriend, but in his police uniform, the guy can really look threatening if he isn't flashing teeth.

        "We've already had sex and yet this is the first time I've seen you out of uniform." I say, leaning against the door frame and crossing my arms. He smiles a little wider at that. I still can't rid that itching feeling that Jonah feels a bit overwhelmed. His cheeks are more pink than beige and he's literally trying to look just about anywhere.

        When he gets his gaze steady on me, he says, "I could say the same for you, Mr. Suit-And-Tie."

        We exchange quiet chuckles until I ask, "So, what's the occasion?"

        I can see his face visibly pale from that question. Like, he was dreading that question forever, and now it's finally been asked.

        "I--" He stammers. "I was . . . hoping we could go out sometime. Like, dinner and stuff. Or movies if you want." Immediately he looks so regretful. He looks like a kicked puppy. I want to be sympathetic and kiss him or something, but my own shock is settling in. I think I was dreading this moment as well.

        To be honest with you, I really wouldn't mind going out and being serious with Jonah if we were under lighter circumstances, but with my work and the reward I'm going to receive, it's too tempting to bail out on.

        I say slowly, "I . . . thought there were no strings attached between us."

        "Oh-- Right-- I just-- I just thought, you know, that maybe--" He pauses, then he sighs and stops twiddling his thumbs. "You know what? Forget I came over-- I just-- I think I had a little too much booze the night before-- I might still be hungover or--"

        "I'd love to go on a date with you." I catch myself saying. My shock only rises and my heart starts beating quick. SHIT! Can I take that back? Can I eat those words and keep them caged forever?? Oh god.

        Fuck me, I think I actually want this! I think I want Jonah more than money! Is that even possible???

        Jonah gasps, a grin plastered on his face instantly. "Really?" He says. "Sweet!" He cups my head with both his hands and pulls me in for a kiss. I'm so quick to kiss him back I think I should be scared. For him and me both.

        He pulls away as quickly as he pressed our lips together, turning around and heading back to his car. "I'll see you tomorrow!" He calls back as he waves. He looks so happy my heart is actually crying because his face is so angelic. But as he rides out of sight, my smile fades and I'm left shouting at myself for the hell I have started.

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