XV. Date Night

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        The next day at around sundown, Jonah arrives at my house and honks his car horn. I'm in the middle of tying my tie as he does this, going into a frantic rush as I throw the flaps about. I don't intend to keep him waiting, so I take my suit jacket from my bed and throw it on, then rush down the stairs, almost tripping over myself here and there.

        I quickly make it out of my house and lock the door, breathing out in relief. I turn to see Jonah in his car, looking at me with an eyebrow raised through the passanger's window. I smile tightly and make it over to him, sliding inside the vehicle.

        "What is this? Do you know how to tie a tie?" Jonah asks as I'm about to strap my seatbelt over me. I look at him, then down at my tie, sighing. "You were rushing me! Don't shit on me for this."

        "I will if you don't come over here and let me fix it." He says, pulling me close by my lapels and grasping my tie.

        "Kinky." I smirk.

        "You're disgusting." Jonah shakes his head. I smile and kiss his nose gently since I can't really reach his lips and he seems very concentrated on my tie. He manages a little smile though so I'm happy.

        Just when I'm about to ask if he's done fixing my tie, it's pulled off my neck. I look at him confused as he sits back in his seat, wrapping the tie around his hand instead. "Why'd you take it?" I ask. "You look too formal. Loosen up a bit, okay? This is a date. Not a visit to the courthouse." Jonah replies, starting the car. "Now put your seatbelt on or I'll arrest you."

        I laugh and strap myself in, then Jonah drives me to a place I don't even know. Honestly, we hadn't even discussed where this date would be, so right now I'm in the dark.

        When we arrive to the place, I see that it's a fancy restuarant. I turn to Jonah as we unbuckle ourselves, an amused smile sitting on my face.

        "What?" He asks when he meets my gaze.

        "Trying to impress me, officer?" I ask. We get out of the car, and Jonah joins my side.

        "No. Well, I mean--maybe. Is it working?"

        I rest my hand on his cheek, saying, "Yes," before pulling him down to give me a nice smooch.

        When we pull away, we walk into the restuarant and Jonah says to the receptionist that there was a reservation for two under his name. I wonder how early he planned this night rather than gawking at the pretty designs covering the walls. Like, what if I'd said no when he asked me out and he already made this reservation because he was sure I would? I can only imagine the embarrassment.

        Jonah and I are guided to a booth by one of the waiters, and we sit across from one another after thanking him.

        "So," Jonah pipes up, "what do you think of the restaurant so far? Fancy enough?"

        I nod, looking to the wall just beside me. "Very. I feel a little underdressed considering somebody took my tie away."

        I see Jonah roll his eyes through my peripherals. "You say you're underdressed? Look at me. I'm not wearing anything snazzy. I should've worn my police uniform so that way I'd actually have something important on me."

        I look at him completely. "Hey." I say, a little firmer than I intended. He lifts his head up and we meet eyes. "You are wearing something important."

        "And what's that?"

        "Your face."

        Jonah stares for a second, then he's huffing a little chuckle. "You're smooth, Finley."

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