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I decide to go for a walk. I walk for about 30 minutes, before finding myself at a park. I go and sit on a swing set. I look down and see my frail dry hands. I tug my sleeves down into my palms. I didn't realize it, but I was crying.

"Are you ok?" I hear a voice say faintly.

"I'm fine" I say as I look up and realize that it was Darius who said that.

"D... Darius what are you doing here" I stutter out.

"I always come here. It helps me get away."

"Away from what?"

"Anything. Just to breathe for own air."

"Oh" I say as I look down and stare at my feet.

"Why are you here?" He asks me. And me being me, I blurt out...

"I cant go back!"

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing... I should go." I get up and walk past him, but I feel him grab my wrist. I wince in pain, but Darius didn't notice.

"Talk to me" he says. I kinda laugh to myself, he will never get it.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing... Just you will never get it. Sometimes i don't even know what the hell is wrong with me... Only part."

"I can try."

"Ok... First my mother is a alcohol and drug addict. She beats me every day and yells. I feel depressed all the time and sometimes even numb. When you cant feel anything at all... Its the worst fuckin thing ever." I couldnt believe I just poured my heart and soul out to a stranger who I barely knew.

"Damn... Well isn't feeling numb sometimes a good thing?"

He then pulls me into his chest. For some reason I felt safer. Warmer. And these weird tingles in my chest. Am I falking for him? No I cant. I cant fall for him. But what if I want to?

I hold him closer and let the tears fall until once again... I'm numb.

"I don't wanna cry anymore" I say.

"Then dont" he lifts my face and wipes the tears away. I give him a faint smile.

"Wanna stay at my place tonight?"

"Its ok... Ill be fine"

"You sure?"

"No" I let one more tear drop as he cups my face.

"In so tired of saying I'm fine, when I'm not."

"Then dont say your fine. I will never judge you."


"Hey... Look at me." He turns my body so I'm facing towards him.

"I promise..."

I hug him once more and start walking home. His words replay in my head like a broken tape. I tried to wrap my head around what just happened. I told him everything... Except my cutting. He can never know. I'm finally feeling something when I'm with him... Or could he?

Authors note- Hey guys, sorry for not updating for a while I will try to update more frequently. I love you guys❤~ Kody.

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