Chapter 22

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Hey Guys! So it's been a while since I last uploaded... sorry about that. I've had quite a bit on my plate lately, but I understand that that is absolutely no excuse for my lack of writing. 

   Anyway, I have some news. I've decided this is going to be the final chapter, and then it's off to Editing Land! I may add some few chapters in between some old ones, and I'll add, as well as omit, some extra details to help enhance the story. I'm thinking of creating something else to add to this story :) so keep and eye open!

   Anyway, enough of my pointless yammering! Enjoy xx :) 

-Always <3

    The heat was pressing down on me, the ashes swarming into black spirals in the sky. Devon and I stood frozen side by side, in both time and space, our eyes locked on the screaming crowds of shaggy and panicked men running on a frenzied rampage throughout Collinade. 

    Somehow, in this crazy moment my hand found Devon's and we locked our fingers together. He gave mine a gentle squeeze, not looking at me. I knew he wouldn't anyway, since we both knew that that original feeling of security had now vanished.

    My brown curls tickled my cheeks, as they whipped around my head. The smoke was intoxicating, and whether it was my dizzy mind, or merely my overwhelming fear, I began to worry. My thoughts formed now, in heavy clumps, fast and furious. 

    What was going on? Why was the town set ablaze? How could it have happened, and have spread so fast? 

    The scorching light danced before us, and my thoughts started to clear up. I knew what had to be done.

   I pulled at Devon's hand, beckoning him to follow me, pleading with my eyes. He understood, mesmerized, as he abided. My heavy leaded feet carried me forward, my mind spinning, and my breathing coming quickly.

    We had to get everyone out. All the men, all the boys

    Isn't this what She Mask does? Isn't that my job? To protect the not-yet men of the town from the cruel pranks and mistakes of the elders? 

   The world was slowing, yet blurring by, as a realization hit me. I was She Mask.

   I was She Mask. Not Maggie Holden. For sixteen years, I only ever knew my real name to be Maggie, but that was never the name I went by. I always responded to She Mask. Perhaps I was Maggie. Simply Maggie. The girl with the Mask, the hated girl in the disguise. 

   Yes, I was Maggie. However, I was also She Mask. And She Mask protects others like her mother before her.

   Devon and I stumbled along the corridor of ropes, running over to the gates. I gestured to him for him to start heaving up the Rot Iron bars, while I swooped down into the crowd and tried to get everyone to Farrowfeild.

    He nodded, lingering for a moment to bend his head down to my neck. I felt his lips at my ear, the gentle breaths from his whispers tickling. "Stay safe. Come back to me, you hear me?"

   I nodded, closing my eyes for a fraction of a second, whispering back to him. "I will. I'm not stupid enough to go and get myself killed."

   His chuckle danced in my eardrums, as he backed away, and started off towards the chains to the gate's bars. I smiled, thinking that should I not return, I'll at least have his laugh in my memory during my final moments.

    Adrenaline coursing through my veins as thick as dried blood, I weaved my body through the tangles in the braided threads. Once I landed on the first rooftop, my eyes shifted down to the streets below. 

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