Chapter 12: Hey, Lou here!

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Hello, I'm Lou Teasdale! I am a mum, girlfriend, and a makeup artist. And I have a Twitter, @louteasdale! Lastly, some of you know I'm Baby Lux's mum, and a writer of a hair & makeup book. If you have bought my book, tell me what you like best. For example, what was your favorite hair style in the book? I am not answering it, so blah blah blah. Haha! Anyway, if you've not gotten my book, get it! I am so in love with you guys, my fans. And also, my job, my daughter (Baby Lux), and lastly Tom. Yes, my boyfriend Tom, that Tom. Well, Ali is calling me, see you soon on Twitter!


Lou xxx <33 :)

OH! I almost forgot!

Remember to: ....

1. You can follow me or Alison on Twitter. Me--> @louteasdale

Ali--> @AllyTay13

2. Comment :) Share :) Vote :)

3. My real first name is Louise, call me Lou.

4. Alison, you guys will call her one of these. A, Al, Ali, Ally, or Aly!

5. Hope you enjoyed this chapter on me, Lou Teasdale!


Lou xxx :) <3

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