Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Arabelle’s head was still reeling from her kiss with Leo when Big Ben opened the door and crushed all good feelings inside her. As expected, he also came in gun-first, just like the man called Sir did. Only this time the gun was a massive rifle and looked like something out of a war movie.

He closed the door behind him, and Arabelle thought that this was probably to prevent either her or Leo from escaping around him. It might not have been too hard to do, actually, since Big Ben was littered in bandages, his left arm in a sling.

Arabelle peeked over at Leo’s cheek, noting that the inflammation had already gone down, and it was now nothing more than a thin red line. That was all Leo had to show for his fight with Big Ben, and she bet that the other guy wasn’t happy about that at all.

As if reading her mind, Big Ben said, “Nice face, freak. Wish I could’ve had a bit more time to play plastic surgeon with you.”

Leo glared and retorted with, “And I’m sorry you didn’t die, you nasty lump of meat.”

Big Ben tapped his finger threateningly on the trigger, his eyes seething. “The boss won’t let me kill you, but I do have the pleasure of being your babysitter. Which means I might just have to kick your ass a few times a day for being so fuckin’ ugly, capisce?”

“Looking forward to it,” Leo growled, and Arabelle whipped her head around in shock. Did he really just say that?!

She wanted to scream, He’s the one with the huge gun, you moron! and instead laid her hand on his arm and squeezed, mentally willing him to shut up. It was her equivalent to kicking him in the shin.

Big Ben said nastily, in a mock teacher’s voice, “Ten inches between boys and girls at all times, kiddies,” and swatted her hand away with the tip of the rifle’s muzzle.

Leo erupted in loud snarls, lunging forward in a blur. Big Ben hoisted the rifle up and met Leo’s onslaught with the muzzle rammed into Leo’s stomach, holding him at bay. Thankfully, Leo was smart enough to stop at that point, but he couldn’t keep silent. He sounded like an enraged animal.

Between the bestial noises, Leo managed to spit out, “Don’t you touch her, Ben!”

Arabelle was taken aback at how Leo used the other man’s name so casually. They’d obviously known each other for a long time—and obviously hated each other.

“You best be sittin’ down, freak, or I might just have to kill you out of self-defense. I got me orders that that’s okay.” Big Ben’s voice was icy, sending a shiver down Arabelle’s spine.

When Leo didn’t look like he was about to move, Arabelle called his name quietly, begging him with her eyes to listen. Finally, he backed off, standing protectively in front of her.

“Why’re you in here?” Leo asked, a hard edge to his voice.

“Told the boss I’d lay down the rules for you. Really I just wanted an excuse to come in and piss you off.” Big Ben’s scarred face scrunched up in a hateful grin, and he said, “Looks like I succeeded .”

To Arabelle’s immense relief, Leo remained silent.

“Well, then, being that you’re back and my plans to break a few of your bones got ruined, I’ll just have to get as much enjoyment as I can out of torturing you and your little girlfriend here in your shithole of a room.” Lifting his rifle in a mock salute, Big Ben backed out the door and said, “Ta ta for now,” before closing them in again.

*     *     *

The rest of the night was uneventful. As his nerves settled some, Leo thought that maybe Arabelle and he would kiss again, but she gave no indications that she was interested. She just sat silently beside him against the wall, her head leaning on his shoulder.

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