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One Month Later

“Can you believe they’re still talking about GenLabs in the paper?” Arabelle asked, holding the Sunday Post up for Leonardo to read over her shoulder. “Maybe the police have finally started releasing names, so they might actually have something interesting to talk about.”

She read silently for a minute and then said, “I guess the media finally got wind of the illegal genetic experiments that’d been going on.” She gasped, pulling the paper to just inches from her nose. “They’re shutting the place down for further investigation. And Wilfred Jameson has been stripped of his title.” She laughed. “Wilfred? No wonder the guy went off the deep end.”

Leo shared her smile, but he was already way ahead of her in the article. Dr. Samuel Johnson had come forward about everything—everything except for the fact that Leonardo had survived past birth. He said that Jameson had been keeping everyone “trapped” there with blackmail and threats. That much was probably true.

Arabelle’s mother, Kathy Magnano, had identified Wilfred Jameson as the man who’d kidnapped her daughter, and the reason for kidnapping was unknown, since Arabelle admitted that Jameson hadn’t approached her in any sexual way. Thom witnessed against him, as well, and Jameson was charged for torture and kidnapping. Everyone seemed to think that the old man had simply gone insane.

Benjamin Beckley was charged with affiliation to Jameson’s crimes, and he was also charged for assault against Arabelle. In explanation of his wounds, the media reported that he had allegedly been attacked by an illegally kept mountain lion, which had been killed and cremated to destroy evidence. This information had been offered by Dr. Johnson, and Ben’s wounds seemed enough of a verification for authorities not to question it.

Surprisingly, neither Jameson nor Big Ben made any attempt to expose Leonardo, even if they did plead innocent of their charges. Perhaps they saw no need to further incriminate themselves. Needless to say, they were found guilty on all charges.

“Come on,” Leo said, gently taking the paper from her hands and setting it on the table. “Let’s just enjoy not having to look over our shoulders anymore, okay?”

She smiled up at him, eyes practically shining with happiness. “Sounds good to me.”

Arabelle had made the transitional speech for the juniors at the seniors’ graduation two weeks earlier, and Leo had watched from the bleachers with Thom, smiling proudly as she spoke boldly from the stand. He’d wondered if she’d felt nervous, but she said that, after what they’d been through together, nothing scared her anymore.

Summer break had finally arrived, and Leo was ecstatic over the fact that he had more free time with Arabelle now. They spent most of their days inside Thom’s house, but occasionally Leo liked to risk an outing.

Trying not to think about the article, he guided Arabelle out Thom’s door and they walked to a small park just outside town. Hand-in-hand, they leisurely followed a nature trail extending from the park into the forest, enjoying the warm breeze and each other’s closeness.

Once they were far enough in, Arabelle said, “You can take those off now,” gesturing at the new tan construction gloves on his hands. “You can put them back on if you hear anyone coming.”

He pulled her into the shelter of two overlapping trees, shielding them both behind the thick foliage around them. Removing the gloves, he gently slid his fingers into her hair, pulling her into his arms and inhaling deeply.

“You smell so—”

“Good. I know. Now shut up and kiss me.”

He grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”

Their lips touched, and he lifted her by the waist, leaning back against the tree behind him so that she was straddled on top of him, legs wrapped around his. A soft growl vibrated in his chest with pleasure.

“Slow down, tiger,” she laughed, nuzzling into his neck. “Or should I say lion?”

“Ha ha ha. Didn’t you say shut up and kiss me?” he teased, nipping playfully at her ear.

“Mmm, sure did.”

She melted against him, becoming all warm and soft, and kissed him passionately. All his lingering paranoia vanished with her touch, letting him live solely in the here and now. And there was no place else he’d rather be than right here.

*     *     *

A/N: There's a Restricted one-shot for this now on my profile, so go read/vote, and comment! Thank you!

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